Tkispell Version 0.11 Tkispell is a GUI interface to the GNU ispell program written in Perl and the Perl/Tk widget libraries. INSTALLATION First make sure that GNU ispell is correctly installed on your system. If it isn't you can obtain the source code from, or in package format for many unices. If necessary, make sure that it's working correctly by spell checking a file using ispell's command line interface. After you've unpacked the archive (you're reading this, aren't you?), you will need to install the Tk-SimpleFileSelect widget if it isn't already installed on your system. You'll need to be able to log in as root: 1. Build the Makefile: $ perl Makefile.PL 2. Build the library module and documentation: $ make 3. Become the superuser and install the module: $ su password: # make install Then there are three pathnames and one variable that you need to edit in the tkispell program for your system configuration: 1. Line 1 must contain the full path name of the perl interpreter. Usually it's "/usr/bin/perl" or "/usr/local/bin/perl." If neither of these work, use the output of the command, "which perl." 2. On line 6, set the value of $font to whatever font you prefer. The value of $font must be in X Logical Font Descriptor (XLFD) format. Refer to the manual page of "xfontsel" if you're not sure how to specify X Window System fonts. 3. Edit line 7 with the full pathname of the ispell program on your system. On many systems it will be either "/usr/bin/ispell" or "/usr/local/bin/ispell," but if neither of those work, use the pathname that is output by the command, "which ispell." 4. Edit line 8 with the name of your personal ispell dictionary. Ispell normally uses the name .ispell_ and the dictionary is stored in your $HOME directory (which is what the perl variable $ENV{HOME} provides; don't edit that unless you're sure of your personal dictionary's absolute path name). Finally copy the tkispell program to a directory named by the system's $PATH environment variable. You'll need to be logged in as root to do this. If you can't log in as root, you can still run tkispell from your $HOME directory; simply type: $ ./tkispell instead of: $ tkispell USAGE tkispell accepts one optional command line argument: the name of the file to be checked. If you do not provide the name of the file on the command line, you can open a file by clicking on the Browse... button and selecting a file in the file selection widget. Clicking on the "Check" button starts the spell check. You'll see the first misspelled word selected in the text box near the top of the window, and the misspelled word entered in the entry box near the lower right of the window. If ispell can guess at any replacement words, those are listed on the left side of the window. The four buttons on the right side of the window provide the actions that you can take for each misspelled word: - Accept: Don't change the word and move to the next misspelled word. - Add: Add the misspelled word to your personal dictionary. - Replace: Replace this instance of the misspelled word with the correct word in the Entry box. - Replace All: Replace all instances of the misspelled word with the corrected word in the entry box. You can end the spell check at any point by clicking on the "Close" button. Tkispell will ask you if you want to save the spell checked file, renaming the original file with a ".bak" extension if you click on "Ok" in the dialog box. Then tkispell will ask if you want to add the corrected words to your personal dictionary. Click on "Ok" or "Cancel." Comments and bug fixes are welcome. Please send them to the author,