This is the README for CPAN-Search-Lite, a set of modules for setting up a CPAN search system. It does not implement the full set of features (eg, multiple package versions) available on If a local CPAN mirror is available, the pod (and converted html) documentation will be extracted from the packages, as well as possible README/INSTALL/Changes/META.yml files. As well as various Perl modules which are checked for when installing, MySQL is required; version 4 is needed for some text searching capabilities. See the INSTALL file for details on installation. The included modules, with pod documentation, are: CPAN::Search::Lite::Extract - extract files from distributions CPAN::Search::Lite::Index - index and update the database CPAN::Search::Lite::Info - extract info from the CPAN indices CPAN::Search::Lite::PPM - get info from PPM repositories CPAN::Search::Lite::State - get the state of the current database CPAN::Search::Lite::Populate - populate the database CPAN::Search::Lite::Query - query the database CPAN::Search::Lite::Util - some common data structures CPAN::Search::Lite::Lang - some common language data structures As well, some PPM::XML::* modules (from the PPM distribution of MURRAY, on CPAN) are included for extracting info from the PPM repositories. Two different mod_perl interfaces to CPAN::Search::Lite::Query are included as Apache::CPAN::Query and Apache::CPAN::Search. A cgi script and soap server examples are in the cgi-bin directory. Two different Template-Toolkit sets of pages are found in the tt2/ and tt2-alt/ subdirectories. Note that some manual editing of some of these files may be needed, particularly for urls reflecting the local server, the location of the tt2 pages, and the username, password, and name of the database to be used when connecting to the database for performing queries. The embedded pod documentation contains more details. The bin/ subdirectory contains 4 scripts: csl_index - create and subsequently update the database csl_query - an example script for performing local queries csl_soap - an example script for performing soap-based queries perldocs - a soap-enhanced perldoc to view remote pods SOAP::Lite is required in order to perform soap queries. See the INSTALL file for directions on installation. Development takes place at the CPAN-Search-Lite project on SourceForge at Support for presenting results in different languages in a web environment, based on the browser's language preference, is available - see the INSTALL file for a brief discussion on how to set this up. At present English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish are available, although others can readily be added (this would involve providing translation of terms appearing in CPAN::Search::Lite::Lang, as well as providing the corresponding tt2 pages). Note that this does not include, in particular, translations of the abstracts of modules or distributions, nor of the accompanying documentation. The translations here were done through I (Randy Kobes) am a native English speaker, with a passing knowledge of French, so there most likely are errors in the translations, as well as incorrect usage. Patches are welcome; if you are familiar with the diff utility in making up patches, this would help in getting them applied sooner. Thanks. Randy Kobes