NAME App::ForExample - A guide through Catalyst, Apache, lighttpd, nginx, monit, ..., configuration hell VERSION Version 0.022 SYNOPSIS # To output a FastCGI (ExternalServer)/Apache configuration (with monit stub and start-stop script), run: for-example catalyst/fastcgi apache2 standalone --package My::Application --hostname --output my-application # The above command would have created the following: my-application.apache2 The Apache2 virtual host configuration (hosted at (www.) my-application.start-stop The start/stop script to launch the FastCGI process my-application.monit A monit stub used for monitoring the FastCGI process # This will generate a basic, stripped-down monit configuration (monitrc) suitable for a non-root user: for-example monit --home $HOME/monit --output $HOME/monit/monitrc # A mod_perl configuration for Catalyst: for-example catalyst/mod_perl --package Project::Xyzzy --hostname --home Project-Xyzzy DESCRIPTION App::ForExample is a command-line tool for generating sample configurations. It is not designed to do configuration management, but rather as a guide to get you 80% of the way there Besides the usual Apache, lighttpd, nginx, and FastCGI configurations, App::ForExample can create a FastCGI start-stop script and a monit configuration for monitoring those processes USAGE Usage: for-example ACTION Where ACTION can be (Note: Every option below is, well, optional. If not specified, a fun default will be chosen/guessed for you) catalyst/fastcgi ... Generate a Catalyst FastCGI configuration (for monit, start-stop, or the specified http daemon and fastcgi method) --package The Catalyst package for your application (e.g. Project::Xyzzy or My::Application) --home The path to your Catalyst home directory, default: . (The current directory) --log-home The directory to log into, default: /log (Below the directory given by --home) --base The base for your application, default: / (At the root) --hostname The hostname from which your application is served (e.g. --bare Do not output anything BUT the configuration (no monit, no start-stop) --output - Print output to stdout --output Write output to (which can be either a directory or file) This will split output appropiately (e.g. .apache2, .start-stop, .monit) --fastcgi-script The to the Catalyst fastcgi script (e.g. script/ --fastcgi-socket Have fastcgi use for the file socket --fastcgi-socket Have fastcgi use for the socket --fastcgi-pid-file Store the pid for the process in apache2 standalone Apache2 with standalone FastCGI (mod_fastcgi) apache2 static Apache2 with static FastCGI (mod_fastcgi) apache2 dynamic Apache2 with dynamic FastCGI (mod_fastcgi) lighttpd standalone lighttpd with dynamic FastCGI lighttpd static lighttpd with static FastCGI nginx nginx with standalone FastCGI (the only kind supported) monit A monit configuration for a standalone FastCGI setup start-stop A start-stop script for a standalone FastCGI setup catalyst/mod_perl Generate a mod_perl2 (for Apache2) Catalyst configuration --package The Catalyst package for your application (e.g. Project::Xyzzy or My::Application) --home The path to your Catalyst home directory, default: . (The current directory) --log-home The directory to log into, default: /log (Below the directory given by --home) --base The base for your application, default: / (At the root) --hostname The hostname from which your application is served (e.g. monit Generate a basic, stripped-down monit configuration suitable for a non-root user --home The directory designated monit home (containing the pid file, log, rc, ...) INSTALL You can install App::ForExample by using CPAN: cpan -i App::ForExample If that doesn't work properly, you can find help at: # Help on Mac OS X # Help with a non-root account CONTRIBUTE You can contribute or fork this project via GitHub: git clone git:// SEE ALSO Catalyst::Engine::Apache Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS All the people that have put effort into the Catalyst documentation, including the pod, advent, and wiki Dan Dascalescu, Jay Shirley, Tomas Doran, Daniel Austin, Jason Felds, Moritz Onken, and Brian Friday, who all put effort into the deployment wiki, which formed the basis for many parts of this tool AUTHOR Robert Krimen, "" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-app-forexample at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc App::ForExample You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Robert Krimen, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.