Business::UPC - Perl extension for manipulating Universal Product Codes COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1998 Rob Fugina. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. IMPORTANT NOTES THIS IS ALPHA SOFTWARE. Some testing has been done, and I'm sure there are bugs left. As for additional features: tell me what you want... The Business::UPC pod section is the main documentation. The documentation is only a draft and should be rewritten (I think). Any help on this issue would be very welcome. DESCRIPTION This is the alpha release 0.01 of the Business::UPC parser generator. REQUIREMENTS Requires perl5.004 or better. Maybe it'll work with older versions. Maybe not. It is written only in Perl, with standard distribution modules, so you don't need any compiler nor special modules. INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make make test make install WARRANTY This software comes with absolutly NO WARRANTY of any kind. I just hope it can be useful. FEEDBACK Send feedback, comments and bug reports to: Rob Fugina