----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Algorithm::PermuteInPlace v0.02 - Robin Houston, 2001-08-26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes since v0.01: - make it work in 5.6.1 and below (don't rely on the AV* typemap). - fix a heap overrun error (ouch!) - change the line-endings on the README file Note: This version of Algorithm::PermuteInPlace requires Brian Ingerson's Inline module (available from CPAN) to be installed. NAME Algorithm::PermuteInPlace - Fast permutations SYNOPSIS use Algorithm::PermuteInPlace; my @array = (1..9); my $permutor = Algorithm::PermuteInPlace->new(\@array); print "@array\n"; print "@array\n" while $permutor->next(); DESCRIPTION This module will generate all the permutations of an array, modifying the array in-place. That allows it to be very fast. ... Final note: Since I wrote this, I discovered an even faster way to generate permutations. You can find an implementation at http://London.pm.org/~robin/Algorithm-FastPermute-0.01.tar.gz The interface is somewhat different: it uses callbacks.