Comma, version 0.02 =================== This module provides Yet Another way to format numbers with commas, this time via a tied hash. This makes it very easy to format a number while inserting it into a string. EXAMPLES # Simple formatting with commas: $a = 1234567.89; print "With commas: $comma{$a}"; => "With commas: 1,234,567.89" # Specify number of decimal places: print "1 decimal: $comma{$a,1}"; => "1 decimal: 1,234,567.9" print "3 decimals: $comma{$a,3}"; => "3 decimals: 1,234,567.890" # Specify field width: print "Min width: '$comma{$a,0,12}'" => "Min width: ' 1,234,568' # In-string computations: print "Seconds in a year: $comma{365 * 24 * 60 * 60}"; => "Seconds in a year: 31,536,000"; DEVELOPMENT STATE This is the first version of this module, so who knows whether bugs abound. If you find any bugs, or if any behavior of Comma surprises you, I would be grateful if you could send me an email message about it. Thanks. INSTALLATION To install this module, do the standard Perl module four-step: perl Makefile.PL or perl LIB='my/install/path' make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires and, both of which come with Perl. Test::More is required to run the test suite. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Eric J. Roode, Copyright (c) 2005 by Eric J. Roode. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.