podlators version 2.1.1 (Format POD source into various output formats) Maintained by Russ Allbery Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Russ Allbery . This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. I welcome all bug reports and patches for this package (and in particular, if you're looking for a project, see TODO). However, please be aware that I tend to be extremely busy and to get a lot of mail. I'll save your mail and get to it as soon as I can, but depending on how busy I am it may take me a couple of months. BLURB podlators contains Pod::Man and Pod::Text modules which convert POD input to *roff source output, suitable for man pages, or plain text. It also includes several subclasses of Pod::Text for formatted output to terminals with various capabilities. It is the source package for the Pod::Man and Pod::Text modules included with Perl. DESCRIPTION This package contains the replacement for pod2text and Pod::Text in versions of Perl 5.005 and earlier. It also contains Pod::Man and pod2man, the replacement for pod2man found in Perl distributions prior to 5.6.0. The modules contained in it use Pod::Simple rather than doing the POD parsing themselves, and are designed to be object-oriented and to subclass. As an example, three useful subclasses of Pod::Text are also included: Pod::Text::Color, which uses ANSI color escape sequences to highlight text, Pod::Text::Termcap, which determines the correct control sequences to embolden and underline text from terminal termcap information, and Pod::Text::Overstrike, which uses the backspacing method of underlining and bold also used by the output of nroff. Both Pod::Text and Pod::Man provide a variety of options for fine-tuning their output. Pod::Man also tries to massage input text where appropriate to produce better output when run through nroff or troff, such as distinguishing between different types of hyphens and using slightly smaller case for acronyms. A general parser utility module for L<> formatting code parsing is also included, Pod::ParseLink. This implements only the simple parse described in perlpodspec. It is no longer used by the modules here (Pod::Simple has a separate implementation of the same concept), but is included in case others find it useful. REQUIREMENTS Both Pod::Man and Pod::Text are built on Pod::Simple, which handles the basic POD parsing and character set conversion. Pod::Simple 3.04 or later is required. It is available from CPAN and part of Perl core as of 5.10.0. To use Pod::Text::Color, Term::ANSIColor is required. It is available from CPAN and part of Perl core as of 5.6.0. INSTALLATION WARNING: Installation of this package will replace the pod2text and pod2man scripts that come with Perl, and for Perl 5.6.0 or later the versions of Pod::Text and Pod::Man installed with Perl. Make sure that you have a version of this package as new as or newer than the modules that come with Perl. For older versions of Perl, pod2text and pod2man will still be overwritten, but Pod::Text will not be, making many of the options in pod2text not actually useable unless you overwrite the version that comes with Perl with it (since Perl looks in its own directories before it looks in site_perl). Note also that the version in this package attempts to be backwards-compatible but is not bug compatible, and some things like the default wrap margin have changed. The version contained in this package is the default version for Perl 5.5.560 or thereabouts and higher, but may be slightly newer depending on how updates have been synchronized. Follow the standard installation procedure for Perl modules, which is to type the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make install You'll probably need to do the "make install" as root. This will also install driver scripts named pod2text and pod2man; see their man pages for more information. SOURCE REPOSITORY podlators is maintained using Git. You can access the current source by pointing a Git client at: http://archives.eyrie.org/software/git/podlators.git No gitweb interface is available (yet).