# NAME Catalyst::Plugin::Statsd - log Catalyst stats to statsd # VERSION version v0.4.2 # SYNOPSIS ```perl use Catalyst qw/ Statsd -Stats=1 /; __PACKAGE__->config( 'psgi_middleware', [ Statsd => { client => Net::Statsd::Tiny->new, }, ], ); # (or you can specify the Statsd middleware in your # application's PSGI file.) ``` # DESCRIPTION This plugin will log [Catalyst](https://metacpan.org/pod/Catalyst) timing statistics to statsd. ## CONFIGURATION ```perl __PACKAGE__->config( 'Plugin::Statsd' => { disable_stats_report => 0, }, ); ``` ## `disable_stats_report` Enabling stats will also log a table of statistics to the Catalyst log. If you do not want this, then set `disable_stats_report` to true. Note that if you are modifying the `log_stats` method or using another plugin that does this, then this may interfere with that if you disable the stats report. # METHODS ## `statsd_client` ``` $c->statsd_client; ``` Returns the statsd client. ## `statsd_metric_name_filter` ``` $c->statsd_metric_name_filter( $stat_or_name ); ``` This method returns the name to be used for logging stats, or `undef` if the metric should be ignored. If it is passed a non-arrayref, then it will stringify the argument and return that. If it is passed an array reference, then it assumes the argument comes from [Catalyst::Stats](https://metacpan.org/pod/Catalyst::Stats) report and is converted into a suitable metric name. You can override or modify this method to filter out which metrics you want logged, or to change the names of the metrics. # METRICS ## `catalyst.response.time` This logs the Catalyst reponse time that is normally reported by Catalyst. However, it is probably unnecessary since [Plack::Middleware::Statsd](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack::Middleware::Statsd) also logs response times. ## `catalyst.stats.*.time` These are metrics generated from [Catalyst::Stats](https://metacpan.org/pod/Catalyst::Stats). # SEE ALSO - [Catalyst::Stats](https://metacpan.org/pod/Catalyst::Stats) - [Plack::Middleware::Statsd](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack::Middleware::Statsd) # SOURCE The development version is on github at [https://github.com/robrwo/CatalystX-Statsd](https://github.com/robrwo/CatalystX-Statsd) and may be cloned from [git://github.com/robrwo/CatalystX-Statsd.git](git://github.com/robrwo/CatalystX-Statsd.git) # BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website [https://github.com/robrwo/CatalystX-Statsd/issues](https://github.com/robrwo/CatalystX-Statsd/issues) When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. # AUTHOR Robert Rothenberg The initial development of this module was sponsored by Science Photo Library [https://www.sciencephoto.com](https://www.sciencephoto.com). # CONTRIBUTOR Slaven Rezić # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Robert Rothenberg. This is free software, licensed under: ``` The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) ```