NAME Module::MakefilePL::Parse - parse required modules from Makefile.PL REQUIREMENTS Perl 5.6.1 is required. The following modules are required: Test::More Test::Warn Installation Installation can be done using the traditional Makefile.PL or the newer Build.PL methods. Using Makefile.PL: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install (On Windows platforms you should use nmake instead.) Using Build.PL (if you have Module::Build installed): perl Build.PL perl Build perl Build test perl Build install SYNOPSIS use Module::MakefilePL::Parse; open $fh, 'Makefile.PL'; $parser = Module::MakefilePL::Parse->new( join(" ", <$fh>) ); $info = $parser->required; DESCRIPTION The purpose of this module is to determine the required modules for older CPAN distributions which do not have META.yml files but use Makefile.PL and ExtUtils::MakeMaker or Module::Install. Please see the module documentation for more details. REVISION HISTORY The following changes were made since v0.11: 0.12 Fri Sep 3 2004 - corrected typo in error message - registers warnings - added more warnings and diagnostic errors For a more thorough revision history, see the Changes file included with this distribution. SEE ALSO These other modules will also provide meta-information about CPAN distributions: Module::CoreList Module::CPANTS::Generator::Prereq Module::Info Module::Dependency Module::Depends Module::PrintUsed Module::ScanDeps AUTHOR Robert Rothenberg COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2004 by Robert Rothenbeg. All Rights Reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.