NAME Params::Smart - use both positional and named arguments in a subroutine SYNOPSIS use Params::Smart; sub my_sub { %args = Params(qw( foo bar ?bo ?baz ))->args(@_); ... } my_sub( foo=> 1, bar=>2, bo=>3 ); # call with named arguments my_sub(1, 2, 3); # same, with positional args DESCRIPTION This module allows you to have subroutines which take both named and positional arguments without having to use a changed syntax and source filters. Usage is as follows: %values = Params( @template )->( @args ); @template specifies the names of parameters in the order that they should be given in subroutine calls. @args is the list of argument to be parsed: usually you just specify the void list @_. Paramaters are required by default. To change this behavior, add the following symbols before the names: ? The parameter is optional, e.g. "?name". + The parameter must only be specified as a named parameter. Note that it is not necessarily optional. You must explicitly state that, e.g. "+?name". * The parameter "slurps" the rest of the arguments into an array reference, e.g. *name. It is not assumed to be optional unless there is a question-mark before it. %values contains the keys of specified arguments, with their values. It may also contain additional keys which begin with an underscore. These are internal/diagnostic values: _named True if the parameters were treated as named, false if positional. CAVEATS *This is an experimental module, and the interface may change.* More likely additional features will be added. Because Perl5 treats hashes as lists, this module attempts to interpret the arguments as a hash of named parameters first. If some hash keys match, and some do not, then it assumes there has been an error. If no keys match, then it assumes that it the arguments are positional. In theory one can pass positional arguments where every other argument matches a hash key, or one can pass a hash with the wrong keys (possible if one copies/pastes code from the wrong call) and so it is treated as a positional argument. This is probably uncommon for most data, but subroutines should take extra care to check if values are within allowed ranges. There may even be security issues if users can blindly specify data that they know can cause this confusion. If the application is critical enough, then this may not be an appropriate module to use (at least not until the ability to distinguish between lists and hashes is improved). To diagnose potential bugs, or to enforce named or positional calling one can check the "_named" parameter. SEE ALSO This module is similar in function to Getargs::Mixed but does not require named parameters to have an initial dash ('-'). It also has some additional features. The syntax of the paramater templates is inspired by Perl6::Subs, though not necessarily compatible. (See also *Apocalypse 6* in Perl6::Bible). Params::Validate is useful for (additional) parameter validation beyond what this module is capable of. AUTHOR Robert Rothenberg Suggestions and Bug Reporting Feedback is always welcome. Please use the CPAN Request Tracker at to submit bug reports. LICENSE Copyright (c) 2005 Robert Rothenberg. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.