# NAME Plack::Middleware::Statsd - send statistics to statsd # VERSION version v0.2.1 # SYNOPSIS ```perl use Plack::Builder; use Net::Statsd::Client; builder { enable "Statsd", client => Net::Statsd::Client->new( ... ); ... sub { my ($env) = @_; # Send statistics via other middleware if (my $stats = $env->{'psgix.monitor.statsd'}) { $stats->increment('myapp.wibble'); } }; }; ``` # DESCRIPTION This middleware gathers metrics from the application send sends them to a statsd server. # ATTRIBUTES ## client This is a statsd client, such as an [Net::Statsd::Client](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::Statsd::Client) object. If one is omitted, then it will default to one defined in the environment hash at `psgix.monitor.statsd`. `psgix.monitor.statsd` will be set to the current client if it is not set. The only restriction on the client is that it has the same API as [Net::Statsd::Client](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::Statsd::Client) or similar modules, by supporting the following methods: - `increment` - `timing_ms` or `timing` - `set_add` Other statsd client modules may be used via a wrapper class. # METRICS The following metrics are logged: - `psgi.request.method.$METHOD` This increments a counter for the request method. - `psgi.request.remote_addr` The remote address is added to the set. - `psgi.request.content-length` The content-length of the request, if it is specified in the header. This is treated as a timing rather than a counter, so that statistics can be saved. - `psgi.request.content-type.$TYPE.$SUBTYPE` A counter for the content type of request bodies is incremented, e.g. `psgi.request.content-type.application.x-www-form-urlencoded`. Any modifiers in the type, e.g. `charset`, will be ignored. - `psgi.response.content-length` The content-length of the response, if it is specified in the header. This is treated as a timing rather than a counter, so that statistics can be saved. - `psgi.response.content-type.$TYPE.$SUBTYPE` A counter for the content type is incremented, e.g. for a JPEG image, the counter `psgi.response.content-type.image.jpeg` is incremented. Any modifiers in the type, e.g. `charset`, will be ignored. - `psgi.response.status.$CODE` A counter for the HTTP status code is incremented. - `psgi.response.time` The response time, in ms (rounded up using `ceil`). - `psgi.response.x-sendfile` This counter is incremented when the `X-Sendfile` header is added. The header is configured using the `plack.xsendfile.type` environment key, ortherwise the `HTTP_X_SENDFILE_TYPE` environment variable. See [Plack::Middleware::XSendfile](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack::Middleware::XSendfile) for more information. - `psgix.harakiri` This counter is incremented when the harakiri flag is set. If you want to rename these, then you will need to use a wrapper class for the ["client"](#client). # EXAMPLES ## Using from Catalyst You can access the configured statsd client from [Catalyst](https://metacpan.org/pod/Catalyst): ```perl sub finalize { my $c = shift; if (my $statsd = $c->req->env->{'psgix.monitor.statsd'}) { ... } $c->next::method(@_); } ``` # SEE ALSO [Net::Statsd::Client](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::Statsd::Client) [Net::Statsd::Tiny](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::Statsd::Tiny) [PSGI](https://metacpan.org/pod/PSGI) # SOURCE The development version is on github at [https://github.com/robrwo/Plack-Middleware-Statsd](https://github.com/robrwo/Plack-Middleware-Statsd) and may be cloned from [git://github.com/robrwo/Plack-Middleware-Statsd.git](git://github.com/robrwo/Plack-Middleware-Statsd.git) # BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website [https://github.com/robrwo/Plack-Middleware-Statsd/issues](https://github.com/robrwo/Plack-Middleware-Statsd/issues) When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. # AUTHOR Robert Rothenberg The initial development of this module was sponsored by Science Photo Library [https://www.sciencephoto.com](https://www.sciencephoto.com). # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Robert Rothenberg. This is free software, licensed under: ``` The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) ```