NAME Text::Munge::Vowels - removes vowels from words phrases SYNOPSIS use Text::Munge::Vowels; $obj = new Text::Munge::Vowels(); $obj->add_stopwords LIST $string = $obj->munge LIST DESCRIPTION Text::Munge::Vowels strips vowels spaces from words and phrases to shorten the length of simple text messages, as might be used for to send weather forecasts or short news items to alphanumeric pagers with limited message or screen sizes. Note that there's another module on CPAN called Lingua-EN-Squeeze intended for the same purpose. EXAMPLE use Text::Munge::Vowels(); $munger = new Text::Munge::Vowels(); $text = "This sentence will have some of it\'s vowels removed."; print $munger->munge($text), "\n"; CAVEATS Overuse can make messages unreadable. "Decoding" the output of this module requires a human (?) brain familiar with the language and the context of the messages. Some would argue the use of this module is suspect. FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS Improve the regular expression in *$DefaultMungeRule* to ignore double or triple vowels in short words. Actually, I am working on a separate module which will load specialized vocabularies from XML files. If this module evolves at all, it will be as a wrapper to that module. AUTHOR Robert Rothenberg