NAME Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::RSRCHBOY - Zilla your distributions like RSRCHBOY! VERSION This document describes version 0.046 of Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::RSRCHBOY - released April 11, 2014 as part of Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-RSRCHBOY. SYNOPSIS # in your dist.ini... [@RSRCHBOY] DESCRIPTION This is RSRCHBOY's current Dist::Zilla "dist.ini" config for his packages. He's still figuring this all out, so it's probably wise to not depend on this being too terribly consistent/sane until the version gets to 1. METHODS release_plugins Plugin configuration for public release. author_tests meta_provider_plugins Plugins that mess about with what goes into META.*. configure Preps plugin lists / config; see Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Easy. ensure_current Sometimes things change. (I know, I know, the horror!) This seeks to minimize that pain by automatically making what changes it can. stopwords A list of words our POD spell checker should ignore. OPTIONS sign (boolean; default: true) On release, use your gpg key to sign the version tag created (if you're using git) and also generate a SIGNATURE file. See also Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Signature. tweet (boolean; default: false) If set to a true value, we'll use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Twitter to tweet when a release occurs. github (boolean; default: true) This enables various GitHub related plugins to update distribution and GitHub metadata automatically. install_on_release (boolean; default: true) After a release, install the distribution locally. Our default install command is (from inside the built release directory): cpanm . You can change this by setting the "InstallRelease.install_command" option. BUNDLED PLUGIN OPTIONS It's possible to pass options to our bundled plugins directly: ; format is Plugin::Name.option [@RSRCHBOY] GatherDir.exclude_filename = cpanfile For information on specific plugins and their options, you should refer to the documentation of Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Config::Slicer. SEE ALSO Please see those modules/websites for more information related to this module. * Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Easy * Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::PluginRemover * Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Config::Slicer * Config::MVP::Slicer SOURCE The development version is on github at and may be cloned from BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. AUTHOR Chris Weyl CONTRIBUTOR Neil Bowers COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Chris Weyl. This is free software, licensed under: The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999