NAME FvwmPiazza::Tiler - Fvwm module for tiling windows. VERSION version 0.2001 SYNOPSIS use FvwmPiazza::Tiler; my $obj = FvwmPiazza::Tiler->new(\%args); --------------------------------- *FvwmPiazza: Struts I I I I *FvwmPiazza: Exclude Gimp *FvwmPiazza: UseMaximize true *FvwmPiazza: Layout0 Full *FvwmPiazza: Layout1 Columns 2 Key f A MS SendToModule FvwmPiazza Full DESCRIPTION This tiles windows in different ways. METHODS new init start $self->start(); Start the event loop. Handlers observe_window_movement A FVWM::Tracker::WindowList observer, which tracks window movement (so we can see if the window has changed desks/pages). observe_window_addition A FVWM::Tracker::WindowList observer, which tracks new windows observe_window_deletion A FVWM::Tracker::WindowList observer, which tracks window destruction. observe_window_iconify A FVWM::Tracker::WindowList observer, which tracks window iconify. observe_window_deiconify A FVWM::Tracker::WindowList observer, which tracks window deiconify. observe_page_change Respond to a page or desk-change event. handle_focus_event Respond to a focus window event. handle_command Respond to a command (SendToModule,M_STRING event) Helper methods set_transaction Set "transaction" on or off; this will temporarily disable some handlers since we don't want to react to things that we ourselves caused. move_window_group Move the given window to the next or previous group on this page. apply_tiling Apply the requested tiling layout. None Full Additional layouts are provided by layout plugins. manage_window A new or newly visible window needs to be managed. demanage_window A destroyed or newly invisible window needs to be de-managed. init_new_page Initialize page information for the current page. check_interest Look at the properties of the given window to see if we are interested in it. We aren't interested in SKIP_PAGER, SKIP_TASKBAR, DOCK or Withdrawn windows. We also aren't interested in transient windows. Also, we may not be interested in windows of certain classes or names. $res = $self->check_interest(window=>$id, tracker=>$tracker); $res = $self->check_interest(window=>$id, event=>$event); dump_properties Dump the properties of the given window. get_page_windows Get the windows on the given page. REQUIRES FVWM::Module Class::Base INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install Or, if you're on a platform (like DOS or Windows) that doesn't like the "./" notation, you can do this: perl Build.PL perl Build perl Build test perl Build install In order to install somewhere other than the default, such as in a directory under your home directory, like "/home/fred/perl" go perl Build.PL --install_base /home/fred/perl as the first step instead. This will install the files underneath /home/fred/perl. You will then need to make sure that you alter the PERL5LIB variable to find the modules. Therefore you will need to change the PERL5LIB variable to add /home/fred/perl/lib PERL5LIB=/home/fred/perl/lib:${PERL5LIB} SEE ALSO perl(1). fvwm(1) BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to the author. AUTHOR Kathryn Andersen (RUBYKAT) perlkat AT katspace dot org COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (c) 2009 by Kathryn Andersen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.