==== NAME ==== Posy::Plugin::InfoFind - Posy plugin to find files using their Info content. ==== VERSION ==== This describes version ``0.01'' of Posy::Plugin::InfoFind. ==== DESCRIPTION ==== This plugin checks the parameters for a find query, and uses the .info files defined by the Posy::Plugin::Info plugin to search for files depending on their Info information. Thus this depends on the Posy::Plugin::Info plugin. This plugin sets the page-type to 'info_find', so that one can make find-specific flavour templates. Then it falls back on the 'find' and 'category' page-types. This fills in a few variables which can be used within your flavour templates. $flow_infofind_form Contains a search-form definition for setting the 'info_find' parameters. $flow_infofind_critera Contains the values which were searched on. $flow_num_found The number of entries which were found which matched the search parameter. == Cautions == This plugin does not work if you have a hybrid site (partially static-generated, partially dynamic) and also use the Posy::Plugin:;Canonical plugin, since the Canonical plugin will redirect your search query. Also, if you have a hybrid site, don't forget to set the "infofind_url" config variable. == Activation == This plugin needs to be added to the plugins list and the actions list. This overrides the 'select_entries' 'parse_path' 'get_alt_path_types' methods; therefore care needs to be taken with other plugins if they override the same methods. In the actions list 'infofind_set' needs to go somewhere after ``head_template'' and before ``head_render'', since this needs to set values before the head is rendered. == Configuration == This expects configuration settings in the $self->{config} hash, which, in the default Posy setup, can be defined in the main "config" file in the config directory. ``infofind_field_size'' The size to make the length of the input fields for the form. (default: 50) ``infofind_url'' The URL to use for the "action" part of the search form. This defaults to the global $self->{url} value, but may need to be overridden for things like a hybrid static/dynamic site. This is because the global $self->{url} for static generation needs to hide the name of the script used to generate it, but this plugin needs to know the path to the CGI script. If this is set, this plugin assumes this is a hybrid site and makes its links with explicit 'path' parameters. ==== INSTALLATION ==== Installation needs will vary depending on the particular setup a person has. == Administrator, Automatic == If you are the administrator of the system, then the dead simple method of installing the modules is to use the CPAN or CPANPLUS system. cpanp -i Posy::Plugin::InfoFind This will install this plugin in the usual places where modules get installed when one is using CPAN(PLUS). == Administrator, By Hand == If you are the administrator of the system, but don't wish to use the CPAN(PLUS) method, then this is for you. Take the *.tar.gz file and untar it in a suitable directory. To install this module, run the following commands: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install Or, if you're on a platform (like DOS or Windows) that doesn't like the "./" notation, you can do this: perl Build.PL perl Build perl Build test perl Build install == User With Shell Access == If you are a user on a system, and don't have root/administrator access, you need to install Posy somewhere other than the default place (since you don't have access to it). However, if you have shell access to the system, then you can install it in your home directory. Say your home directory is "/home/fred", and you want to install the modules into a subdirectory called "perl". Download the *.tar.gz file and untar it in a suitable directory. perl Build.PL --install_base /home/fred/perl ./Build ./Build test ./Build install This will install the files underneath /home/fred/perl. You will then need to make sure that you alter the PERL5LIB variable to find the modules, and the PATH variable to find the scripts (posy_one, posy_static). Therefore you will need to change: your path, to include /home/fred/perl/script (where the script will be) PATH=/home/fred/perl/script:${PATH} the PERL5LIB variable to add /home/fred/perl/lib PERL5LIB=/home/fred/perl/lib:${PERL5LIB} ==== REQUIRES ==== Test::More grep ==== AUTHOR ==== Kathryn Andersen (RUBYKAT) perlkat AT katspace dot com http://www.katspace.com ==== COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE ==== Copyright (c) 2005 by Kathryn Andersen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.