NAME zapzi - a tool to store articles and publish them as eBooks to read later VERSION version 0.003 SYNOPSIS $ zapzi init Created Zapzi directory ~/.zapzi $ zapzi add ~/src/foo/README.txt Added article 2 to folder Inbox $ zapzi add Added article 3 to folder Inbox $ zapzi ls Inbox 1 05-Jul-2013 Welcome to Zapzi Inbox 2 05-Jul-2013 README for project foo Inbox 3 05-Jul-2013 perlintro - $ zapzi publish Published ~/.zapzi/ebooks/Zapzi - Inbox - # See USAGE below for more details on command line options. DESCRIPTION Zapzi is a command line tool to take articles - from files or from the web - and create eBooks for reading later. FEATURES * Can read articles from local files or via HTTP. * Understands plain text, HTML and Markdown format articles. * HTML is converted to a more readable form (eg no menus or footers) to make the article easier to view on an eReader. * Articles can be stored in different folders to organise your reading. * eBooks are created in MOBI format (other formats should be added later). * Once you publish a folder of articles to an eBook file, the articles are archived so you can retrieve them later if needed. CONFIGURATION Zapzi needs very little configuration to get running - just type $ zapzi init and it will create a directory (by default ~/.zapzi) to store its database and files. You can override this directory by setting the environment variable "ZAPZI_DIR". ADDING ARTICLES To add an article, use "zapzi add" with a filename on your computer or an HTTP URL. Remember to quote URLs if they include space or shell special characters, eg $ zapzi add '' Zapzi will download a copy and store it in its database. Note that if you need to log into a site this will not work - save a copy of the page locally using your browser and then point Zapzi at the file. Zapzi will detect the file type and if it is HTML it will use HTML::ExtractMain to strip out non-essential parts of the page such as menus. Other formats are treated as plain text with Markdown. FOLDERS By default, Zapzi will store articles in the 'Inbox' folder. This can be changed by using the "-f" option, eg $ zapzi add -f Foo project.txt In order to use other folders you will need to create them first using the "make-folder" or "mkf" command, eg $ zapzi make-folder Foo Folders can be deleted with the "delete-folder" or "rd" command. Note that this will also delete all articles in the folder. To see a summary of your folders and how many articles are in them use the "list-folders" or "lsf" command. $ zapzi lsf Inbox 2 Archive 4 Foo 1 To see a summary of a particular folder, use "list" or "ls": $ zapzi ls -f Foo Foo 1 05-Jul-2013 Project readme PUBLISHING To create an eBook, run "zapzi publish" or "zapzi pub". By default this will publish articles from the Inbox folder; use the "-f" option to select another folder. If everything worked OK, Zapzi will create a new eBook in the ebooks sub-directory of your Zapzi directory, eg "~/.zapzi/ebooks". When you publish a folder, the articles are moved to the Archive folder. Instead of publishing, if you want to see a copy of an article use "zapzi show". This will send a copy to the standard output. It will not archive the article. SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENT Bugs and requested issues can be reported at Github. Pull requests are also very welcome; please try to follow the existing style and organisation of the module. FUTURE PLANS This is an early version of Zapzi and although the basic functionality is there I plan to improve it further. If you have any suggestions please add them to the issue tracker at Github. * Support other ways to fetch articles, eg FTP or IMAP for email. * Support other article formats, eg mbox/maildir. * Add the ability to read sources with state, eg RSS feeds. * Improve text extraction and formatting. * Publish to other eBook formats such as EPUB or PDF. * Add options to distribute published eBooks, eg by email or copy to an eReader. NAME Zapzi comes from the Chinese word 雜誌, meaning magazine. It is pronounced ZAAP-zi in Cantonese. USAGE $ zapzi help | h Shows this help text $ zapzi version | v Show version information $ zapzi init [--force] Initialises new zapzi database. Will not create a new database if one exists already unless you set --force. $ zapzi add FILE | URL Adds article to database. Accepts multiple file names or URLs. $ zapzi list | ls [-f FOLDER] Lists articles in FOLDER. $ zapzi list-folders | lsf Lists a summary of all folders. $ zapzi make-folder | mkf FOLDER Make a new folder. $ zapzi delete-folder | rmf FOLDER Remove a folder and all articles in it. $ zapzi delete-article | delete | rm ID Removes article ID. $ zapzi show ID Prints content of article to STDOUT $ zapzi publish [-f FOLDER] Publishes articles in FOLDER to an eBook. AUTHOR Rupert Lane COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Rupert Lane. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.