ShiftJIS::String: version 1.01 ============== NAME ShiftJIS::String - functions to manipulate Shift_JIS strings SYNOPSIS use ShiftJIS::String qw(length substr index rindex); $str = 'プログラミング-Perl'; $sub = substr($str, index($str, 'ラミ') + length('ラミ')); # $sub eq 'ング-Perl'. # If you want to use core functions after importing, # prefix the core function name with 'CORE::', like CORE::length. DESCRIPTION This module provides some functions which emulate the corresponding CORE functions and will help someone to manipulate Shift_JIS string. * Functions other than length(), substr(), index(), and rindex() will have different names from those of the corresponding CORE:: functions. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you have a C compiler and want to use the XS version, type the following: perl Makefile.PL xs make make test make install If you decide to install the NoXS version after trying to build the XS, type the following: make clean perl Makefile.PL noxs make make test make install PREREQUISITES Perl 5.003 or later for pure-Perl version (Perl 5.005 or later Recommended.) Perl 5.6 or later for XS version. POD The documents for this module are written in Shift_JIS. (The explanations are given in English in String.pod, but some sample codes include Shift_JIS literals.) The CPAN Archiver should make it unreadable. The HTML-ized PODs are provided in my website. String.pod COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright(C) 2001-2003, SADAHIRO Tomoyuki. Japan. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.