README for XML-RSS-TimingBotDBI Time-stamp: "2004-04-24 01:47:41 ADT" NAME XML::RSS::TimingBotDBI - XML::RSS::TimingBot-subclass that saves state with DBI SYNOPSIS use XML::RSS::TimingBotDBI; use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'whatever...' ) || die "Can't connect: $DBI::errstr\nAborting"; my $table = "myrsstable"; $browser = XML::RSS::TimingBotDBI->new; $browser->rssagent_dbh($dbh); $browser->rssagent_table($table); my $response = $browser->get( '' ); ... And process $response just as if it came from a plain old LWP::UserAgent object, for example: ... if($response->code == '200') { ...process it... } DESCRIPTION This class is for requesting RSS feeds only as often as needed, and storing in a database the data about how often what feeds can be requested. This is a subclass of XML::RSS::TimingBot's methods that stores its data in a DBI database object that you specify, instead of using XML::RSS::TimingBot's behavior of storing in a local flat-file database. To use this class, "use" it, create a new object of this class, and "use DBI" and make a new database handle-object; then use "rssagent_dbh" to assign that handle to this TimingBotDBI object; and use "rssagent_url_field", "rssagent_lastmod_field", "rssagent_nextupdate_field", and "rssagent_fetag_field" to set up the right table/field names; and then, finally, you can use the TimingBotDBI object just like a LWP::UserAgent (actually LWP::UserAgent::Determined) object, to request RSS feeds. [continued in the documentation for this module, which you can read with perldoc] INSTALLATION You install this Perl module, as you would install any Perl module library, by running these commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you want to install a private copy of this module in your home directory, then you should try to produce the initial Makefile with something like this command: perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/perl See "perldoc perlmodinstall" for more information and advice. This module doesn't depend on XML::RSS, nor in fact have any particular relationship with it.