# NAME Phoebe - serve a wiki as a Gemini site **Table of Contents** - [Name](#name) - [Synopsis](#synopsis) - [Description](#description) - [Gemtext](#gemtext) - [Editing the wiki](#editing-the-wiki) - [Installation](#installation) - [Dependencies](#dependencies) - [Quickstart](#quickstart) - [Image uploads](#image-uploads) - [Using systemd](#using-systemd) - [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) - [Files](#files) - [Options](#options) - [Files](#files) - [Notes](#notes) - [Security](#security) - [Privacy](#privacy) - [Example](#example) - [Certificates and file permission](#certificates-and-file-permission) - [Main page and title](#main-page-and-title) - [Gus and robots.txt](#gus-and-robots-txt) - [Limited, read-only http support](#limited-read-only-http-support) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Wiki spaces](#wiki-spaces) - [Tokens per wiki space](#tokens-per-wiki-space) - [Client certificates](#client-certificates) - [Virtual hosting](#virtual-hosting) - [Multiple certificates](#multiple-certificates) - [Css for the web](#css-for-the-web) - [Favicon for the web](#favicon-for-the-web) - [See also](#see-also) - [License](#license) # SYNOPSIS **phoebe** \[**--host=**_hostname_ ...\] \[**--port=**_port_\] \[**--cert\_file=**_filename_\] \[**--key\_file=**_filename_\] \[**--log\_level=error**|**warn**|**info**|**debug**\] \[**--log\_file=**_filename_\] \[**--wiki\_dir=**_directory_\] \[**--wiki\_token=**_token_ ...\] \[**--wiki\_page=**_pagename_ ...\] \[**--wiki\_main\_page=**_pagename_\] \[**--wiki\_mime\_type=**_mimetype_ ...\] \[**--wiki\_page\_size\_limit=**_n_\] \[**--wiki\_space=**_space_ ...\] # DESCRIPTION Phoebe does two and a half things: It's a program that you run on a computer and other people connect to it using their Gemini client in order to read the pages on it. It's a wiki, which means that people can edit the pages without needing an account. All they need is a client that speaks both Gemini and Titan, and the password. The default password is "hello". 😃 People can also access it using a regular web browser. They'll get a very simple, read-only version of the site. To take a look for yourself, check out the test wiki via the web or via the web. - [https://gemini.circumlunar.space/clients.html](https://gemini.circumlunar.space/clients.html) - [https://transjovian.org:1965/test](https://transjovian.org:1965/test) - [gemini://transjovian.org/test](gemini://transjovian.org/test) # GEMTEXT Pages are written in gemtext, a lightweight hypertext format. You can use your favourite text editor to write them. A text line is a paragraph of text. This is a paragraph. This is another paragraph. A link line starts with "=>", a space, a URL, optionally followed by whitespace and some text; the URL can be absolute or relative. => http://transjovian.org/ The Transjovian Council on the web => Welcome Welcome to The Transjovian Council A line starting with "\`\`\`" toggles preformatting on and off. Example: ``` ./phoebe ``` A line starting with "#", "##", or "###", followed by a space and some text is a heading. ## License The GNU Affero General Public License. A line starting with "\*", followed by a space and some text is a list item. * one item * another item A line starting with ">", followed by a space and some text is a quote. The monologue at the end is fantastic, with the city lights and the rain. > I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. # EDITING THE WIKI How do you edit a Phoebe wiki? You need to use a Titan-enabled client. Titan is a companion protocol to Gemini: it allows clients to upload files to Gemini sites, if servers allow this. On Phoebe, you can edit "raw" pages. That is, at the bottom of a page you'll see a link to the "raw" page. If you follow it, you'll see the page content as plain text. You can submit a changed version of this text to the same URL using Titan. There is more information for developers available on Community Wiki. [https://communitywiki.org/wiki/Titan](https://communitywiki.org/wiki/Titan) Known clients: This repository comes with a Perl script called `titan` to upload files. [https://alexschroeder.ch/cgit/phoebe/plain/titan](https://alexschroeder.ch/cgit/phoebe/plain/titan) _Gemini Write_ is an extension for the Emacs Gopher and Gemini client _Elpher_. [https://alexschroeder.ch/cgit/gemini-write/](https://alexschroeder.ch/cgit/gemini-write/) [https://thelambdalab.xyz/elpher/](https://thelambdalab.xyz/elpher/) Gemini & Titan for Bash are two shell functions that allow you to download and upload files. [https://alexschroeder.ch/cgit/gemini-titan/about/](https://alexschroeder.ch/cgit/gemini-titan/about/) # INSTALLATION Using `cpan`: cpan App::phoebe Manual install: perl Makefile.PL make make install ## Dependencies Perl libraries you need to install if you want to run Phoebe: - [Algorithm::Diff](https://metacpan.org/pod/Algorithm%3A%3ADiff), or `libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl` - [File::ReadBackwards](https://metacpan.org/pod/File%3A%3AReadBackwards), or `libfile-readbackwards-perl` - [File::Slurper](https://metacpan.org/pod/File%3A%3ASlurper), or `libfile-slurper-perl` - [Mojolicious](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious), or `libmojolicious-perl` - [IO::Socket::SSL](https://metacpan.org/pod/IO%3A%3ASocket%3A%3ASSL), or `libio-socket-ssl-perl` - [Modern::Perl](https://metacpan.org/pod/Modern%3A%3APerl), or `libmodern-perl-perl` - [URI::Escape](https://metacpan.org/pod/URI%3A%3AEscape), or `liburi-escape-xs-perl` - [Net::IDN::Encode](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3AIDN%3A%3AEncode), or `libnet-idn-encode-perl` - [Encode::Locale](https://metacpan.org/pod/Encode%3A%3ALocale), or `libencode-locale-perl` I'm going to be using `curl` and `openssl` in the ["Quickstart"](#quickstart) instructions, so you'll need those tools as well. And finally, when people download their data, the code calls `tar` (available from packages with the same name on Debian derived systems). The `update-readme.pl` script I use to generate `README.md` also requires some libraries: - [Pod::Markdown](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod%3A%3AMarkdown), or `libpod-markdown-perl` - [Text::Slugify](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3ASlugify), which has no Debian package, apparently 😭 ## Quickstart I'm going to assume that you're going to create a new user just to be safe. sudo adduser --disabled-login --disabled-password phoebe sudo su phoebe --shell=/bin/bash cd Now you're in your home directory, `/home/phoebe`. We're going to install things right here. cpan App::phoebe Start Phoebe. It's going to prompt you for a hostname and create certificates for you. If in doubt, answer `localhost`. The certificate and a private key are stored in the `cert.pem` and `key.pem` files, using elliptic curves, valid for five years, without password protection. perl5/bin/phoebe This starts the server in the foreground. If it aborts, see the ["Troubleshooting"](#troubleshooting) section below. If it runs, open a second terminal and test it: perl5/bin/gemini gemini://localhost/ You should see a Gemini page starting with the following: 20 text/gemini; charset=UTF-8 Welcome to Phoebe! Success!! 😀 🚀🚀 Let's create a new page using the Titan protocol, from the command line: echo "Welcome to the wiki!" > test.txt echo "Please be kind." >> test.txt perl5/bin/titan --url=titan://localhost/raw/Welcome --token=hello test.txt You should get a nice redirect message, with an appropriate date. 30 gemini://localhost:1965/page/Welcome You can check the page, now (replacing the appropriate date): perl5/bin/gemini gemini://localhost:1965/page/Welcome You should get back a page that starts as follows: 20 text/gemini; charset=UTF-8 Welcome to the wiki! Please be kind. Yay! 😁🎉 🚀🚀 If you have a bunch of Gemtext files in a directory, you can upload them all in one go: titan --url=titan://localhost/ --token=hello *.gmi ## Image uploads OK, how do image uploads work? First, we need to specify which MIME types Phoebe accepts. The files are going to be served back with that MIME type, so even if somebody uploads an executable and claim it's an image, other people's clients will treat it as an image instead of executing it (one hopes!) – so let's start with a list of common MIME types. - `image/jpeg` is for photos (usually with the `jpg` extension) - `image/png` is for graphics (usually with the `png` extension) - `audio/mpeg` is for sound (usually with the `mp3` extension) Let's continue using the setup we used for the ["Quickstart"](#quickstart) section. Restart the server and allow photos: perl5/bin/phoebe --wiki_mime_type=image/jpeg Upload the image using the `titan` script: perl5/bin/titan --url=titan://localhost:1965/jupiter.jpg \ --token=hello Pictures/Planets/Juno.jpg You should get back a redirect to the uploaded image: 30 gemini://localhost:1965/file/jupiter.jpg How did the `titan` script know the MIME-type to use for the upload? If you don't specify a MIME-type using `--mime`, the `file` utility is called to guess the MIME type of the file. Test it: file --mime-type --brief Pictures/Planets/Juno.jpg The result is the MIME-type we enabled for our wiki: image/jpeg Here's what happens when you're trying to upload an unsupported MIME-type: titan --url=titan://localhost:1965/earth.png \ --token=hello Pictures/Planets/Earth.png What you get back explains the problem: 59 This wiki does not allow image/png In order to allow such graphics as well, you need to restart Phoebe: perl phoebe --wiki_mime_type=image/jpeg --wiki_mime_type=image/png Except that in my case, the image is too big: 59 This wiki does not allow more than 100000 bytes per page I could scale it down before I upload the image, using `convert` (which is part of ImageMagick): convert -scale 20% Pictures/Planets/Earth.png earth-small.png Try again: titan --url=titan://localhost:1965/earth.png \ --token=hello earth-small.png Alternatively, you can increase the size limit using the `--wiki_page_size_limit` option, but you need to restart Phoebe: perl phoebe --wiki_page_size_limit=10000000 \ --wiki_mime_type=image/jpeg --wiki_mime_type=image/png Now you can upload about 10MB… ## Using systemd Systemd is going to handle daemonisation for us. There's more documentation available online. [https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.service.html](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.service.html). Basically, this is the template for our service: [Unit] Description=Phoebe After=network.target [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/home/phoebe ExecStart=/home/phoebe/phoebe Restart=always User=phoebe Group=phoebe [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Save this as `phoebe.service`, and then link it: sudo ln -s /home/phoebe/phoebe.service /etc/systemd/system/ Reload systemd: sudo systemctl daemon-reload Start Phoebe: sudo systemctl start phoebe Check the log output: sudo journalctl --unit phoebe ## Troubleshooting 🔥 **1408A0C1:SSL routines:ssl3\_get\_client\_hello:no shared cipher** 🔥 If you created a new certificate and key using elliptic curves using an older OpenSSL, you might run into this. Try to create a RSA key instead. It is larger, but at least it'll work. openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa \ -days 1825 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem # FILES Your home directory should now also contain a wiki directory called `wiki`, your wiki directory. In it, you'll find a few more files: `page` is the directory with all the page files in it; each file has the `gmi` extension and should be written in Gemtext format `index` is a file containing all the files in your `page` directory for quick access; if you create new files in the `page` directory, you should delete the `index` file – it will get regenerated when needed; the format is one page name (without the `.gmi` extension) per line, with lines separated from each other by a single `\n` `keep` is the directory with all the old revisions of pages in it – if you've only made one change, then it won't exist; if you don't care about the older revisions, you can delete them; assuming you have a page called `Welcome` and edit it once, you have the current revision as `page/Welcome.gmi`, and the old revision in `keep/Welcome/1.gmi` (the page name turns into a subdirectory and each revision gets an apropriate number) `file` is the directory with all the uploaded files in it – if you haven't uploaded any files, then it won't exist; you must explicitly allow MIME types for upload using the `--wiki_mime_type` option (see _Options_ below) `meta` is the directory with all the meta data for uploaded files in it – there should be a file here for every file in the `file` directory; if you create new files in the `file` directory, you should create a matching file here; if you have a file `file/alex.jpg` you want to create a file `meta/alex.jpg` containing the line `content-type: image/jpeg` `changes.log` is a file listing all the pages made to the wiki; if you make changes to the files in the `page` or `file` directory, they aren't going to be listed in this file and thus people will be confused by the changes you made – your call (but in all fairness, if you're collaborating with others you probably shouldn't do this); the format is one change per line, with lines separated from each other by a single `\n`, and each line consisting of time stamp, pagename or filename, revision number if a page or 0 if a file, and the numeric code of the user making the edit (see ["Privacy"](#privacy) below), all separated from each other with a `\x1f` `config` probably doesn't exist, yet; it is an optional file containing Perl code where you can add new features and change how Phoebe works (see ["Configuration"](#configuration) below) `conf.d` probably doesn't exist, either; it is an optional directory containing even more Perl files where you can add new features and change how Phoebe works (see ["Configuration"](#configuration) below); the idea is that people can share stand-alone configurations that you can copy into this directory without having to edit your own `config` file. # OPTIONS - `--wiki_token` is for the token that users editing pages have to provide; the default is "hello"; you can use this option multiple times and give different users different passwords, if you want - `--wiki_page` is an extra page to show in the main menu; you can use this option multiple times; this is ideal for general items like _About_ or _Contact_ - `--wiki_main_page` is the page containing your header for the main page; that's were you would put your ASCII art header, your welcome message, and so on, see ["Main Page and Title"](#main-page-and-title) below - `--wiki_mime_type` is a MIME type to allow for uploads; text/plain is always allowed and doesn't need to be listed; you can also just list the type without a subtype, eg. `image` will allow all sorts of images (make sure random people can't use your server to exchange images – set a password using `--wiki_token`) - `--wiki_page_size_limit` is the number of bytes to allow for uploads, both for pages and for files; the default is 10000 (10kB) - `--host` is the hostname to serve; the default is `localhost` – you probably want to pick the name of your machine, if it is reachable from the Internet; if you use it multiple times, each host gets its own wiki space (see `--wiki_space` below) - `--port` is the port to use; the default is 1965 - `--wiki_dir` is the wiki data directory to use; the default is either the value of the `PHOEBE_DATA_DIR` environment variable, or the "./wiki" subdirectory - `--wiki_space` adds an extra space that acts as its own wiki; a subdirectory with the same name gets created in your wiki data directory and thus you shouldn't name spaces like any of the files and directories already there (see ["Wiki Directory"](#wiki-directory)); not that settings such as `--wiki_page` and `--wiki_main_page` apply to all spaces, but the page content will be different for every wiki space - `--cert_file` is the certificate PEM file to use; the default is `cert.pem` - `--key_file` is the private key PEM file to use; the default is `key.pem` - `--log_level` is the log level to use (`fatal`, `error`, `warn`, `info`, `debug`); the default is `warn` - `--log_file` is the log file to use; the default is undefined, which means that STDERR is used ## FILES If you allow uploads of binary files, these are stored separately from the regular pages; the wiki doesn't keep old revisions of files around. If somebody overwrites a file, the old revision is gone. You definitely don't want random people uploading all sorts of images, videos and binaries to your server. Make sure you set up those [tokens](#security) using `--wiki_token`! # NOTES ## Security The server uses "access tokens" to check whether people are allowed to edit files. You could also call them "passwords", if you want. They aren't associated with a username. You set them using the `--wiki_token` option. By default, the only password is "hello". That's why the Titan command above contained "token=hello". 😊 If you're going to check up on your wiki often (daily!), you could just tell people about the token on a page of your wiki. Spammers would at least have to read the instructions and in my experience the hardly ever do. You could also create a separate password for every contributor and when they leave the project, you just remove the token from the options and restart Phoebe. They will no longer be able to edit the site. ## Privacy The server only actively logs changes to pages. It calculates a "code" for every contribution: it is a four digit octal code. The idea is that you could colour every digit using one of the eight standard terminal colours and thus get little four-coloured flags. This allows you to make a pretty good guess about edits made by the same person, without telling you their IP numbers. The code is computed as follows: the IP numbers is turned into a 32bit number using a hash function, converted to octal, and the first four digits are the code. Thus all possible IP numbers are mapped into 8⁴=4096 codes. If you increase the log level, the server will produce more output, including information about the connections happening, like `2020/06/29-15:35:59 CONNECT SSL Peer: "[::1]:52730" Local: "[::1]:1965"` and the like (in this case `::1` is my local address so that isn't too useful but it could also be your visitor's IP numbers, in which case you will need to tell them about it using in order to comply with the [GDPR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation). # EXAMPLE Here's an example for how to start Phoebe. It listens on `localhost` port 1965, adds the "Welcome" and the "About" page to the main menu, and allows editing using one of two tokens. perl phoebe \ --wiki_token=Elrond \ --wiki_token=Thranduil \ --wiki_page=Welcome \ --wiki_page=About Here's what my `phoebe.service` file actually looks like: [Unit] Description=Phoebe After=network.target [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/home/alex/farm Restart=always User=alex Group=ssl-cert ExecStart=/home/alex/src/phoebe/script/phoebe \ --port=1965 \ --log_level=info \ --wiki_dir=/home/alex/phoebe \ --host=transjovian.org \ --cert_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/transjovian.org/fullchain.pem \ --key_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/transjovian.org/privkey.pem \ --host=toki.transjovian.org \ --cert_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/transjovian.org/fullchain.pem \ --key_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/transjovian.org/privkey.pem \ --host=vault.transjovian.org \ --cert_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/transjovian.org/fullchain.pem \ --key_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/transjovian.org/privkey.pem \ --host=communitywiki.org \ --cert_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/communitywiki.org/fullchain.pem \ --key_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/communitywiki.org/privkey.pem \ --host=alexschroeder.ch \ --cert_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/alexschroeder.ch/fullchain.pem \ --key_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/alexschroeder.ch/privkey.pem \ --host=next.oddmuse.org \ --cert_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/oddmuse.org/fullchain.pem \ --key_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/oddmuse.org/privkey.pem \ --host=emacswiki.org \ --cert_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/emacswiki.org/fullchain.pem \ --key_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/emacswiki.org/privkey.pem \ --wiki_main_page=Welcome \ --wiki_page=About \ --wiki_mime_type=image/png \ --wiki_mime_type=image/jpeg \ --wiki_mime_type=audio/mpeg \ --wiki_space=transjovian.org/test \ --wiki_space=transjovian.org/phoebe \ --wiki_space=transjovian.org/anthe \ --wiki_space=transjovian.org/gemini \ --wiki_space=transjovian.org/titan ## Certificates and File Permission In the example above, I'm using certificates I get from Let's Encrypt. Thus, the regular website served on port 443 and the Phoebe website on port 1965 use the same certificates. My problem is that for the regular website, Apache can read the certificates, but in the setup above Phoebe runs as the user `alex` and cannot access the certificates. My solution is to use the group `ssl-cert`. This is the group that already has read access to `/etc/ssl/private` on my system. I granted the following permissions: drwxr-x--- root ssl-cert /var/lib/dehydrated/certs drwxr-s--- root ssl-cert /var/lib/dehydrated/certs/* drwxr----- root ssl-cert /var/lib/dehydrated/certs/*/*.pem ## Main Page and Title The main page will include ("transclude") a page of your choosing if you use the `--wiki_main_page` option. This also sets the title of your wiki in various places like the RSS and Atom feeds. In order to be more flexible, the name of the main page does not get printed. If you want it, you need to add it yourself using a header. This allows you to keep the main page in a page called "Welcome" containing some ASCII art such that the word "Welcome" does not show on the main page. This assumes you're using `--wiki_main_page=Welcome`, of course. If you have pages with names that start with an ISO date like 2020-06-30, then I'm assuming you want some sort of blog. In this case, up to ten of them will be shown on your front page. ## GUS and robots.txt There are search machines out there that will index your site. Ideally, these wouldn't index the history pages and all that: they would only get the list of all pages, and all the pages. I'm not even sure that we need them to look at all the files. The Robots Exclusion Standard lets you control what the bots ought to index and what they ought to skip. It doesn't always work. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robots\_exclusion\_standard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robots_exclusion_standard) Here's my suggestion: User-agent: * Disallow: /raw/* Disallow: /html/* Disallow: /diff/* Disallow: /history/* Disallow: /do/changes* Disallow: /do/all/changes* Disallow: /do/all/latest/changes* Disallow: /do/rss Disallow: /do/atom Disallow: /do/all/atom Disallow: /do/new Disallow: /do/more/* Disallow: /do/match Disallow: /do/search # allowing do/index! Crawl-delay: 10 In fact, as long as you don't create a page called `robots` then this is what gets served. I think it's a good enough way to start. If you're using spaces, the `robots` pages of all the spaces are concatenated. If you want to be more paranoid, create a page called `robots` and put this on it: User-agent: * Disallow: / Note that if you've created your own `robots` page, and you haven't decided to disallow them all, then you also have to do the right thing for all your spaces, if you use them at all. ## Limited, read-only HTTP support You can actually look at your wiki pages using a browser! But beware: these days browser will refuse to connect to sites that have self-signed certificates. You'll have to click buttons and make exceptions and all of that, or get your certificate from Let's Encrypt or the like. Anyway, it works in theory. If you went through the ["Quickstart"](#quickstart), visiting `https://localhost:1965/` should work! Notice that Phoebe doesn't have to live behind another web server like Apache or nginx. It's a (simple) web server, too! Here's how you could serve the wiki both on Gemini, and the standard HTTPS port, 443: sudo ./phoebe --port=443 --port=1965 \ --user=$(id --user --name) --group=$(id --group --name) We need to use `sudo` because all the ports below 1024 are priviledge ports and that includes the standard HTTPS port. Since we don't want the server itself to run with all those priviledges, however, I'm using the `--user` and `--group` options to change effective and user and group ID. The `id` command is used to get your user and your group IDs instead. If you've followed the ["Quickstart"](#quickstart) and created a separate `phoebe` user, you could simply use `--user=phoebe` and `--group=phoebe` instead. 👍 ## Configuration This section describes some hooks you can use to customize your wiki using the `config` file, or using a Perl file (ending in `*.pl` or `*.pm`) in the `conf.d` directory. Once you're happy with the changes you've made, reload the server to make it read the config file. You can do that by sending it the HUP signal, if you know the pid, or if you have a pid file: kill -s SIGHUP `cat phoebe.pid` Here are the ways you can hook into Phoebe code: `@extensions` is a list of code references allowing you to handle additional URLs; return 1 if you handle a URL; each code reference gets called with $stream ([Mojo::IOLoop::Stream](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AIOLoop%3A%3AStream)), the first line of the request (a Gemini URL, a Gopher selector, a finger user, a HTTP request line), a hash reference for the headers (in the case of HTTP requests), and a buffer of bytes (e.g. for Titan or HTTP PUT or POST requests) `@main_menu` adds more lines to the main menu, possibly links that aren't simply links to existing pages `@footer` is a list of code references allowing you to add things like licenses or contact information to every page; each code reference gets called with $stream ([Mojo::IOLoop::Stream](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AIOLoop%3A%3AStream)), $host, $space, $id, $revision, and $format ('gemini' or 'html') used to serve the page; return a gemtext string to append at the end; the alternative is to overwrite the `footer` or `html_footer` subs – the default implementation for Gemini adds History, Raw text and HTML link, and `@footer` to the bottom of every page; the default implementation for HTTP just adds `@footer` to the bottom of every page If you do hook into Phoebe's code, you probably want to make use of the following variables: `$server` stores the command line options provided by the user. `$log` is how you log things. A very simple example to add a contact mail at the bottom of every page; this works for both Gemini and the web: package App::Phoebe; use Modern::Perl; our (@footer); push(@footer, sub { '=> mailto:alex@alexschroeder.ch Mail' }); This prints a very simply footer instead of the usual footer for Gemini, as the `footer` function is redefined. At the same time, the `@footer` array is still used for the web: package App::Phoebe; use Modern::Perl; our (@footer); # HTML only push(@footer, sub { '=> https://alexschroeder.ch/wiki/Contact Contact' }); # footer sub is Gemini only no warnings qw(redefine); sub footer { return '—' x 10 . "\n" . '=> mailto:alex@alexschroeder.ch Mail'; } This example also shows how to redefine existing code in your config file without the warning "Subroutine … redefined". Here's a more elaborate example to add a new action the main menu and a handler for it: package App::Phoebe; use Modern::Perl; our (@extensions, @main_menu); push(@main_menu, "=> gemini://localhost/do/test Test"); push(@extensions, \&serve_test); sub serve_test { my $stream = shift; my $url = shift; my $headers = shift; my $host = host_regex(); my $port = port($stream); if ($url =~ m!^gemini://($host)(?::$port)?/do/test$!) { $stream->write("20 text/plain\r\n"); $stream->write("Test\n"); return 1; } return; } 1; ## Wiki Spaces Wiki spaces are separate wikis managed by the same Phoebe server, on the same machine, but with data stored in a different directory. If you used `--wiki_space=alex` and `--wiki_space=berta`, for example, then you'd have three wikis in total: - `gemini://localhost/` is the main space that continues to be available - `gemini://localhost/alex/` is the wiki space for Alex - `gemini://localhost/berta/` is the wiki space for Berta Note that all three spaces are still editable by anybody who knows any of the [tokens](#security). ## Tokens per Wiki Space Per default, there is simply one set of tokens which allows the editing of the wiki, and all the wiki spaces you defined. If you want to give users a token just for their space, you can do that, too. Doing this is starting to strain the command line interface, however, and therefore the following illustrates how to do more advanced configuration using the config file: package App::Phoebe; use Modern::Perl; our ($server); $server->{wiki_space_token}->{alex} = ["*secret*"]; The code above sets up the `wiki_space_token` property. It's a hash reference where keys are existing wiki spaces and values are array references listing the valid tokens for that space (in addition to the global tokens that you can set up using `--wiki_token` which defaults to the token "hello"). Thus, the above code sets up the token `*secret*` for the `alex` wiki space. You can use the config file to change the values of other properties as well, even if these properties are set via the command line. package App::Phoebe; use Modern::Perl; our ($server); $server->{wiki_token} = []; This code simply deactivates the token list. No more tokens! ## Client Certificates Phoebe serves a public wiki by default. Limiting editing to known users (that is, known client certificates) is possible. Here's a config file using client certificates to limit writing to a single, known fingerprint: package App::Phoebe; use Modern::Perl; our ($server, @extensions, $log); my @fingerprints = ('sha256$e4b871adf0d74d9ab61fbf0b6773d75a152594090916834278d416a769712570'); push(@extensions, \&protected_wiki); sub protected_wiki { my $stream = shift; my $url = shift; my $hosts = host_regex(); my $port = port($stream); my $spaces = space_regex($stream); my $fingerprint = $server->{client}->get_fingerprint(); if (my ($host, $path) = $url =~ m!^titan://($hosts)(?::$port)?([^?#]*)!) { my ($space, $resource) = $path =~ m!^(?:/($spaces))?(?:/raw)?/([^/;=&]+(?:;\w+=[^;=&]+)+)!; if (not $resource) { $log->debug("The Titan URL is malformed: $path $spaces"); $stream->write("59 The Titan URL is malformed\r\n"); } elsif ($fingerprint and grep { $_ eq $fingerprint} @fingerprints) { $log->info("Successfully identified client certificate"); my ($id, @params) = split(/[;=&]/, $resource); save_page($stream, $host, space($stream, $host, $space), decode_utf8(uri_unescape($id)), {map {decode_utf8(uri_unescape($_))} @params}); } elsif ($fingerprint) { $log->info("Unknown client certificate $fingerprint"); $stream->write("61 Your client certificate is not authorized for editing\r\n"); } else { $log->info("Requested client certificate"); $stream->write("60 You need a client certificate to edit this wiki\r\n"); } return 1; } return; } 1; `@fingerprints` is a list, so you could add more fingerprints: my @fingerprints = qw( sha256$e4b871adf0d74d9ab61fbf0b6773d75a152594090916834278d416a769712570 sha256$4a948f5a11f4a81d0a2e8b60b1e4b3c9d1e25f4d95694965d98b333a443a3b25); Or you could read them from a file: use File::Slurper qw(read_lines); my @fingerprints = read_lines("fingerprints"); The important part is that this code matches the same Titan requests as the default code, and it comes first. Thus, the old code can no longer be reached and this code checks for a known client certificate fingerprint. To be sure, it doesn't check anything else! It doesn't check whether the client certificate has expired, for example. You could, for example, install Phoebe, use the code above for your config file, and replace the fingerprint with the fingerprint of your own client certificate. The `Makefile` allows you to easily create such a certificate: make client-cert Answer at least one of the questions OpenSSL asks of you and you should now have a `client-cert.pem` and a `client-key.pem` file. To get the fingerprint of your client certificate: make client-fingerprint The output is the fingerprint you need to put into your config file. ## Virtual Hosting Sometimes you want have a machine reachable under different domain names and you want each domain name to have their own wiki space, automatically. You can do this by using multiple `--host` options. Here's a simple, stand-alone setup that will work on your local machine. These are usually reachable using the IPv4 `` or the name `localhost`. The following command tells Phoebe to serve both `` and `localhost` (the default is to just serve `localhost`). perl phoebe --host= --host=localhost Visit both at [gemini://localhost/](gemini://localhost/) and [gemini://](gemini://, and create a new page in each one, then examine the data directory `wiki`. You'll see both `wiki/localhost` and `wiki/`. If you're using more wiki spaces, you need to prefix them with the respective hostname if you use more than one: perl phoebe --host= --host=localhost \ --wiki_space= --wiki_space=localhost/berta In this situation, you can visit [gemini://](gemini://, [gemini://](gemini://, [gemini://localhost/](gemini://localhost/), and [gemini://localhost/berta/](gemini://localhost/berta/), and they will all be different. If this is confusing, remember that not using virtual hosting and not using spaces is fine, too. 😀 ## Multiple Certificates If you're using virtual hosting as discussed above, you have two options: you can use one certificate for all your hostnames, or you can use different certificates for the hosts. If you want to use just one certificate for all your hosts, you don't need to do anything else. If you want to use different certificates for different hosts, you have to specify them all on the command line. Generally speaking, use `--host` to specifiy one or more hosts, followed by both `--cert_file` and `--key_file` to specifiy the certificate and key to use for the hosts. For example: perl phoebe --host=transjovian.org \ --cert_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/transjovian.org/cert.pem \ --key_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/transjovian.org/privkey.pem \ --host=alexschroeder.ch \ --cert_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/alexschroeder.ch/cert.pem \ --key_file=/var/lib/dehydrated/certs/alexschroeder.ch/privkey.pem ## CSS for the Web The wiki can also answer web requests. By default, it only does that on port 1965\. The web pages refer to a CSS file at `/default.css`, and the response to a request for this CSS is served by a function that you can override in your config file. The following would be the beginning of a CSS that supports a dark theme, for example. The Cache-Control header makes sure browsers don't keep trying to revalidate the CSS more than once a day. [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control) our ($log); sub serve_css_via_http { my $stream = shift; $log->info("Serving CSS via HTTP"); $stream->write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"); $stream->write("Content-Type: text/css\r\n"); $stream->write("Cache-Control: public, max-age=86400, immutable\r\n"); # 24h $stream->write("\r\n"); $stream->write(<<'EOT'); html { max-width: 70ch; padding: 2ch; margin: auto; } body { color: #111111; background-color: #fffff8; } a:link { color: #0000ee } a:visited { color: #551a8b } a:hover { color: #7a67ee } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { body { color: #eeeee8; background-color: #333333; } a:link { color: #1e90ff } a:hover { color: #63b8ff } a:visited { color: #7a67ee } } EOT } ## Favicon for the Web Here's an example where we a little Jupiter SVG is being served for the favicon, for all hosts. You could, of course, accept the `$headers` as an additional argument to `favicon`, match hostnames, pass the `$host` to `serve_favicon_via_http`, and return different images depending on the host. Let me know if you need this and you are stuck. our (@extensions, $log); push(@extensions, \&favicon); sub favicon { my $stream = shift; my $url = shift; if ($url =~ m!^GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1\.[01]$!) { serve_favicon_via_http($stream); return 1; } return 0; } sub serve_favicon_via_http { my $stream = shift; $log->info("Serving favicon via HTTP"); $stream->write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"); $stream->write("Content-Type: image/svg+xml\r\n"); $stream->write("Cache-Control: public, max-age=86400, immutable\r\n"); # 24h $stream->write("\r\n"); $stream->write(<<'EOT'); EOT } # SEE ALSO As you might have guessed, the system is easy to tinker with, if you know some Perl. The Transjovian Council has a wiki space dedicated to Phoebe, and it includes a section with more configuration examples, including simple comments (append-only via Gemini), complex comments (editing via Titan or the web), wholesale page editing via the web, user-agent blocking, and so on. [gemini://transjovian.org/](gemini://transjovian.org/) [https://transjovian.org:1965/](https://transjovian.org:1965/) # LICENSE GNU Affero General Public License