NAME DateTime::Format::Natural - Create machine readable date/time with natural parsing logic SYNOPSIS use DateTime::Format::Natural; $parse = DateTime::Format::Natural->new; $dt = $parse->parse_datetime($date_string); DESCRIPTION "DateTime::Format::Natural" consists of a method, "parse_datetime", which takes a string with a human readable date/time and creates a machine readable one by applying natural parsing logic. FUNCTIONS new Creates a new DateTime::Format::Natural object. $parse = DateTime::Format::Natural->new(lang => '[en|de]', format => 'mm/dd/yy'); "lang" contains the language selected, currently limited to "en" (english) & "de" (german), defaults to 'en'. "format" specifices to format of numeric dates, defaults to 'd/m/y'. parse_datetime Creates a "DateTime" object from a human readable date/time string. $dt = $parse->parse_datetime($date_string); $dt = $parse->parse_datetime(string => $date_string, debug => 1); The options may contain the keys "string" & "debug". "string" may consist of the datestring, whereas "debug" holds the boolean value for the debugging option. If debugging is enabled, each token that is analysed will be output to STDOUT with a trailing newline appended. The "string" parameter is required. Returns a "DateTime" object. format_datetime Not implemented yet. EXAMPLES See the modules "DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::*" for a overview of valid input. SEE ALSO DateTime, Date::Calc, AUTHOR Steven Schubiger LICENSE This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See