NAME DateTime::Format::Natural - Create machine readable date/time with natural parsing logic SYNOPSIS use DateTime::Format::Natural; $parse = DateTime::Format::Natural->new; $dt = $parse->parse_datetime($date_string); DESCRIPTION "DateTime::Format::Natural" consists of a method, "parse_datetime", which takes a string with a human readable date/time and creates a machine readable one by applying natural parsing logic. METHODS new Creates a new DateTime::Format::Natural object. $parse = DateTime::Format::Natural->new(lang => '[en|de]', format => 'mm/dd/yy'); "lang" contains the language selected, currently limited to "en" (english) & "de" (german), defaults to 'en'. "format" specifices to format of numeric dates, defaults to 'd/m/y'. parse_datetime Creates a "DateTime" object from a human readable date/time string. $dt = $parse->parse_datetime($date_string); $dt = $parse->parse_datetime(string => $date_string, debug => 1); The options may contain the keys "string" & "debug". "string" may consist of the datestring, whereas "debug" holds the boolean value for the debugging option. If debugging is enabled, each token that is analysed will be output to STDOUT with a trailing newline appended. The "string" parameter is required. Returns a "DateTime" object. format_datetime Currently not implemented. EXAMPLES See the modules "DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::*" for a overview of valid input. CREDITS Thanks to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa for the initial inspiration. See Miyagawa's journal entry for more information. Furthermore, thanks to (in order of appearance) who have contributed valuable suggestions & patches: Clayton L. Scott Dave Rolsky CPAN Author 'SEKIMURA' mike (pulsation) Mark Stosberg Tuomas Jormola SEE ALSO DateTime, Date::Calc, AUTHOR Steven Schubiger LICENSE This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See