NAME DateTime::Format::Natural::EN - Create machine readable date/time with natural parsing logic SYNOPSIS use DateTime::Format::Natural::EN qw(parse_datetime); $dt = parse_datetime($date_string); DESCRIPTION "DateTime::Format::Natural::EN" exports a function, "parse_datetime()", upon request which takes a string with a human readable date/time and creates a machine readable one by applying natural parsing logic. FUNCTIONS parse_datetime Creates a "DateTime" object from a human readable date/time string. $dt = parse_datetime($date_string); $dt = parse_datetime($date_string, { debug => 1 }); The options hash may contain the string 'debug' with a boolean value (0/1). Will output each token that is analysed with a trailing newline. Returns a "DateTime" object. format_datetime Not implemented yet. EXAMPLES Below are some examples of human readable date/time input: Simple thursday november friday 13:00 mon 2:35 4pm 6 in the morning friday 1pm sat 7 in the evening yesterday today tomorrow this tuesday next month this morning this second yesterday at 4:00 last friday at 20:00 last week tuesday tomorrow at 6:45pm afternoon yesterday thursday last week Complex 3 years ago 5 months before now 7 hours ago 7 days from now in 3 hours 1 year ago tomorrow 3 months ago saturday at 5:00pm SEE ALSO DateTime, AUTHOR Steven Schubiger LICENSE This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See