NAME DateTime::Format::Natural::EN - Create machine readable date/time with natural parsing logic SYNOPSIS use DateTime::Format::Natural::EN; $parse = DateTime::Format::Natural::EN->new(); $dt = $parse->parse_datetime($date_string); DESCRIPTION "DateTime::Format::Natural::EN" consists of a method, "parse_datetime()", which takes a string with a human readable date/time and creates a machine readable one by applying natural parsing logic. FUNCTIONS parse_datetime Creates a "DateTime" object from a human readable date/time string. $dt = $parse->parse_datetime($date_string); $dt = $parse->parse_datetime(string => $date_string, debug => 1); The options may contain the keys 'string' and 'debug'. Former one may consist of the datestring, whereas latter one holds the boolean value for the debugging option. If debugging is enabled, each token that is analysed will be output to stdout with a trailing newline. Returns a "DateTime" object. format_datetime Not implemented yet. EXAMPLES Below are some examples of human readable date/time input: Simple thursday november friday 13:00 mon 2:35 4pm 6 in the morning friday 1pm sat 7 in the evening yesterday today tomorrow this tuesday next month this morning this second yesterday at 4:00 last friday at 20:00 last week tuesday tomorrow at 6:45pm afternoon yesterday thursday last week Complex 3 years ago 5 months before now 7 hours ago 7 days from now in 3 hours 1 year ago tomorrow 3 months ago saturday at 5:00pm SEE ALSO DateTime, AUTHOR Steven Schubiger LICENSE This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See