Template-Trivial version 0.08 ============================= Template::Trivial is heavily inspired by the excellent and stable CGI::FastTemplate written by Jason Moore. We introduce a slightly modified syntax, fewer features, and a slight execution improvment over CGI::FastTemplate. use Template::Trivial; my $tmpl = new Template::Trivial( templates => '/path/to/templates' ); $tmpl->define( main => 'main.tmpl', list => 'list.tmpl' ); $tmpl->define_from_string( item => '
  • {ITEM}' ); for $i ( 1 .. 3 ) { $tmpl->assign( ITEM => "Thingy $_" ); $tmpl->parse( '.ITEMS' => 'item' ); } $tmpl->parse(LIST => 'list' ); $tmpl->parse(MAIN => 'main' ); print $tmpl->to_string('MAIN'); INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Test::More COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2007 by Scott Wiersdorf This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.