WHAT IS IT? This is a POP3 client module for perl5. It provides an object-oriented interface to a POP3 server. It can be used to write perl-based biff clients, mail readers, or whatever. See the inline POD doco for more details. (perldoc Mail::POP3Client) HOW DO I INSTALL/TEST IT? To install Mail::POP3Client: % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % make install NOTE: if you want to test against a real mailbox, set the environment variable POPTESTACCOUNT to some POP3 account in the following format: user:password:host. % export POPTESTACCOUNT=jsmith:secret:pop3.my.do.main % make test WHERE IS THE DOCUMENTATION? The documentation is in the code in POD format. To read it, use 'perldoc Mail::POP3Client' or you can extract it to html using pod2html. Written by Sean Dowd or .