WHAT IS IT? This is a POP3 client module for perl5. It provides an object-oriented interface to a POP3 server. It can be used to write perl-based biff clients, mail readers, or whatever. See the inline POD doco for more details. (perldoc Mail::POP3Client) HOW DO I INSTALL/TEST IT? To install Mail::POP3Client: % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % make install NOTE: if you want to test against a real mailbox, set the environment variable POPTESTACCOUNT to some POP3 account in the following format: user:password:host. % export POPTESTACCOUNT=jsmith:secret:pop3.my.do.main % make test HOW DO I USE THIS WHEN MY ISP WON'T INSTALL IT FOR ME? You have 2 choices. You can go through the installation process using a prefix option to the make command like this: % perl Makefile.PL prefix=/some/other/directory then just make; make install as above. Or you can create a directory called Mail somewhere and just put POP3Client.pm in there. Choice 1 is better because you can track what modules you have installed but if you don't have command line access you'll have to go with choice 2. WHERE IS THE DOCUMENTATION? The documentation is in the code in POD format. To read it, use 'perldoc Mail::POP3Client' or you can extract it to html using pod2html. Written by Sean Dowd or .