Examples: It won't take *that* long to download this 650MB cd image over Mom's 33.6Kbps modem, will it? I can just let it run all night. % ucalc "650MB/33.6Kbps" 1.834 day What's the throughput for random 8KB reads, using a hard disk with 20MB/sec transfers and an average access latency of 15ms? % perl -MMath::Calc::Units=readable -le 'print foreach (readable("8KB / (8KB/(20MB/sec) + 15ms)"))' 532.3 byte / millisec 1.785 gigabyte / hour 42.83 gigabyte / day 519.8 kilobyte / sec 30.46 megabyte / minute Note: ucalc is a thin wrapper script that pretty much does what the one-liner above does. Installing: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Documentation: perldoc Math::Calc::Units Author: Steve Fink Licensing: Copyright (c) 2001 by Steve A. Fink. All rights reserved. You are hereby granted permission to use this software under the terms of either the GPL or the Artistic License. See the file LICENSE for opinionated details.