=head1 INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install =head1 Package Name AUBBC =head1 Description AUBBC - (Advanced Universal Bulletin Board Code) Tags used to create formatting effects in HTML & XHTML. =head1 Abstract The advantage of using this Bulletin Board Code tags is to restrict the usage of HTML/XHTML elements and to make formating of posts easy to people that have no HTML/XHTML skill. Most sites that use these tags show a list of them and/or easy way to insert the tags to the form field by the user. This module addresses many security issues the UBBC tags may have mainly cross site script also known as XSS. Each message is escaped before it gets returned if script_escape is Enabled and checked for many types of security problems before that tag converts to HTML/XHTML. The script_escape setting and method also converts the ' sign so the text can be stored in a SQL back-end. Most of the free web portals use the | sign as the delimiter for the flat file database, the script_escape setting and method also converts that sign so the structure of the database is retained. Allows easy conversion to HTML and XHTML, existing tags will convert to the HTML type set. If there isn't a popular tag available this module provides a method to "Build your own tags" custom tags can help link to parts of the current web page, other web pages and add other HTML elements. =head1 Settings =head2 $aubbc->settings(); This is a list of Default settings and the method to change them when needed. $aubbc->settings( aubbc => 1, utf => 1, smileys => 1, highlight => 1, no_bypass => 0, for_links => 0, aubbc_escape => 1, icon_image => 1, image_hight => 60, image_width => 90, image_border => 0, image_wrap => 1, href_target => 0, images_url => '', html_type => 'html', code_class => '', code_extra => '', href_class => '', quote_class => '', quote_extra => '', bad_pattern => 'view\-source:|script:|mocha:|mailto:|about:|shell:|\.js', script_escape => 1, protect_email => 1, ); =head2 aubbc Enable or Disable Main AUBBC Tags Default 1 is Enabled, 0 is Disable. =head2 utf Enable or Disable UFT Tags Default 1 is Enabled, 0 is Disable. =head2 smileys Enable or Disable Smiley Tags Default 1 is Enabled, 0 is Disable. =head2 highlight Enable or Disable Code Highlight Default 1 is Enabled, 0 is Disable. =head2 no_bypass Enable or Disable User Tags for Bypassing Tags Default 0 is Disable, 1 is Enabled. Tags must at the very beginning of the message. Bypass Tags: #none #noaubbc #nobuild #noutf #nosmileys =head2 for_links Enable or Disable Use Tags for Links Default 0 is Disable, 1 is Enabled. Some AUBBC Tags are not good to use in a link like other links. If Enabled will only use the UTF and Smiley tags. =head2 aubbc_escape Enable or Disable AUBBC Tag Escape Default 1 is Enabled, 0 is Disable. Escaping a Tag: [b]Stuff[/b] # Normal Tag Bold [b]]Stuff[/b]] # Escaped Tag Bold [[b]Stuff[[/b] # Escaped Tag Bold [[b]]Stuff[[/b]] # Escaped Tag Bold [b}}Stuff[/b}} # Escaped Tag Bold {{b]Stuff{{/b] # Escaped Tag Bold {{b}}Stuff{{/b}} # Escaped Tag Bold Bugs if Enabled: Any use of }} will equal ] and any {{ will equal [ Any use of ]] will equal ] and any [[ will equal [ =head2 icon_image Enable or Disable Custom Image Size Default 1 is Enabled, 0 is Disable. If enabled will use the values from image_hight and image_width in all Image Tags [img]/images/large_pic.gif[/img] =head2 image_hight The Default Image hight is 60px. Only used when icon_image is Enabled. =head2 image_width The Default Image width is 90px. Only used when icon_image is Enabled. =head2 image_border Enable or Disable Image Border Default 0 is Disable, 1 is Enabled. =head2 image_wrap Enable or Disable Image wrap Default 1 is Enabled, 0 is Disable. Enabled will add a space after each image & smiley's. =head2 href_target Enable or Disable href target Default 0 is Disable, 1 is Enabled. Enabled will add target="_blank" to all href's. =head2 images_url Default is blank. This is the link to your images folder and is only used for Smilies. For the smileis to work you must provide a URL. example: smilies must be in /smilies folder the images_url link must have the /smilies folder in it and not point directly to /smilies. =head2 html_type Default is 'html' and the only other support is 'xhtml' =head2 code_class Default is '' and this allows a custom class, style and/or javascript to be used in any of the [code] [c] tags. must have a space before the text. example: code_class => ' class="quote"', code_class => ' class="quote" onclick="....."', =head2 code_extra Default is '' and this is for a custom message, code, image, est.. to be used after the [code] [c] tags. example: code_extra => 'Codes may not reflect what is in the current version.', code_extra => '
', =head2 href_class Default is '' and this allows a custom class, style and/or javascript to be used in the [url] tags. must have a space before the text. example: href_class => ' class="url"', href_class => ' class="url" onclick="....."', =head2 quote_class Default is '' and this allows a custom class, style and/or javascript to be used in the [quote] tags. must have a space before the text. example: quote_class => ' class="quote"', quote_class => ' class="quote" onclick="....."', =head2 quote_extra Default is '' and this is for a custom message, code, image, est.. to be used after a [quote] tags. example: quote_extra => 'QUOTES AND SAYINGS DISPLAYED ON THIS BLOG ARE NOT WRITTEN BY THE AUTHOR OF THE BLOG.', quote_extra => '
', =head2 bad_pattern Default is 'view\-source:|script:|mocha:|mailto:|about:|shell:|\.js' and this restricts the use of characters used in all [img] tags. =head2 script_escape This will turn on or off the sanitizer/escape security for the hole message. Default is 1 on and 0 for Disable. Notes: 1)The code highlighter works best with an escaped character format like the script_escape => 1 setting can provide. 2) If this setting is disabled and a character escaping method or security filter is not used can result is a security compromise of the AUBBC tags. 3) if Disabled the method "$message = $aubbc->script_escape($message);" can be used on the message as needed before do_all_ubbc() is called. =head2 protect_email Default is 1 and other possible values are (0, 2, 3, 4). Can add a protection to hide emails in the [email] tag from email harvesters. Not 100% fool proof. 0 - has no type of protection. 1 - uses unicode type protection. 2 - uses javascript and unicode type protection. 3 - Javascript, random function and var names and unicode type protection. 4 - Javascript encryption with random function and var names =head1 Smilies Settings These are the settings for using custom smilies. Note: There are no Built-in smilies. =head2 $aubbc->smiley_hash(); This is one of the two ways to import your custom smilies hash. example: use AUBBC; my $aubbc = new AUBBC; my %smiley = (lol => 'lol.gif'); $aubbc->smiley_hash(%smiley); The way you use this smiley is [lol] Must have the images_url set to the proper location. images_url/smilies/lol.gif =head2 %AUBBC::SMILEYS This is one of the two ways to import your custom smiley hash. example: my %smiley = (lol => 'lol.gif'); use AUBBC; %AUBBC::SMILEYS = %smiley; my $aubbc = new AUBBC; The way you use this smiley is [lol] Must have the images_url set to the proper location. images_url/smileis/lol.gif =head1 Build your own tags These are the settings and methods for using custom tags. =head2 $aubbc->add_build_tag(name=>'stuff', pattern=>'stuff' , type=>'stuff', function=>'stuff'); name - will be the tags name pattern - limited to 'all' or 'l,n,-,:,_,s' 'all' = 'a-z\d\:\-\s\_\/\.\;\&\=\?\-\+\#\%\~\,\|' 'l' = 'a-z' 'n' = '0-9' 's' = ' ' '-' = '-' ':' = ':' '_' = '_' type - 1 is style [name://pattern], 2 is style [name]pattern[/name] and 3 is style [name] function - a pre-defined subroutine that receives the matched pattern, tag name and returns what you want, Note: if the function returns undefined, '' or 0 the tag will not be changed. Usage: package My_Message; use AUBBC; my $aubbc = new AUBBC; $aubbc->add_build_tag( name => 'ok', pattern => 'l,s', type => 1, function => 'My_Message::check_ok_tag', ); $aubbc->add_build_tag( name => 'ip', pattern => '', type => 3, function => 'My_Message::get_some_tag', ); $aubbc->add_build_tag( name => 'agent', pattern => '', type => 3, function => 'My_Message::get_some_tag', ); my $message = '[ok://test me] [ok://test other] [ok://n0 w00rk] [ip] [agent]'; $message = $aubbc->do_all_ubbc($message); print $message; sub check_ok_tag { my ($tag_name, $text_from_AUBBC) = @_; if ($text_from_AUBBC eq 'test me') { return 'Works Good 1'; } else { return 'Works Good 2'; } } sub get_some_tag { my ($tag_name, $text_from_AUBBC) = @_; $tag_name = lc($tag_name); $text_from_AUBBC = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} if ($tag_name eq 'ip'); $text_from_AUBBC = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} if ($tag_name eq 'agent'); return $text_from_AUBBC; } 1; =head2 $aubbc->remove_build_tag($name, $option); There are two ways to use this. 1) Remove a single built tag: $aubbc->remove_build_tag($name); 2) Remove all built tags: $aubbc->remove_build_tag('', 1); =head1 Error Message =head2 $AUBBC::BAD_MESSAGE Default message is 'Error', this message is used when the code finds bad characters in [email] or [img] tags. Usage of this setting: use AUBBC; $AUBBC::BAD_MESSAGE = 'Unauthorized use of characters or pattern in this tag.'; # est... =head1 Debug The Debug setting will send a lot of messages to warn and is not recommended to leave on all the time. =head2 $AUBBC::DEBUG_AUBBC Default is '' off, and Enabled is 1. Usage of this setting: use AUBBC; $AUBBC::DEBUG_AUBBC = 1; # est... =head1 Version Returns the current version of the module. =head2 $aubbc->version(); Usage: use AUBBC; my $aubbc = new AUBBC; my $Current_Version = $aubbc->version(); print $Current_Version; =head1 History v1.30 - 09/08/2008 14:12:10 Fixed the function check in add_build_tag(), when the 1.20 changes where made this check was neglected Edited add_build_tag() Error messages, hopefully they make more sence. Now add_build_tag() name allows - and _ in it. v1.20 - 09/07/2008 09:23:09 Fixed bug that bypassed utf tag converter if square bracket wasn't detected Fixed Makefile.PL v1.10 - 09/02/2008 09:49:46 Added two more tags [big]..[/big] and [small]..[/small]. Removed utf tag style [ux23] and [u://0931] to make more tag names available. Changed add_build_tag() to use hash variable, see "Build your own tags" for the new style. Changed the way functions should work for built tags, the custom function for built tags will receive the tag name and data of the tag. This is so one function can handle many tags. Removed other site tags and setting other_sites_pattern, an example of them are in "Build your own tags" Removed [time] tag, example in "Build your own tags". Email now allows names with & sign Now every message that is passed to do_all_ubbc() gets escaped before being returned if script_escape is Enabled. All tags in %AUBBC_TAGS will only convert if lowercase. "new" now uses the most standard referenced object method. Removed DOS_prevent() method, since the script has been tested more and was causing a timing problem. Removed [cd]#code[/cd] code tag, which had no code_class or code_extra. Commented bad_pattern check for [email] tags, this security check is not needed because the next line will take care of all email tag security. Added missing $AUBBC{image_border}, $AUBBC{html_type} and $AUBBC{image_wrap} to the none icon image. Changed names of left and right align images to [left_img]..[/img] and [right_img]..[/img], also updated examples to show tags. Added missing $AUBBC{html_type} to quote, code tags and code_highlight function. v1.0 01/20/2008 08:46:08 Released. =head1 COPYLEFT AUBBC.pm, v1.30 09/07/2008 09:23:09 By: N.K.A Advanced Universal Bulletin Board Code Tags. Note: This code has a lot of settings and works good with most default settings. =cut