=head1 COPYLEFT AUBBC2.pm, v1.00 alpha 6 11/28/2011 By: N.K.A. ------------------>^- Yes this is a test version and is subjected to changes. shakaflex [at] gmail.com http://search.cpan.org/~sflex/ Advanced Universal Bulletin Board Code 2 BBcode Placeholders with HTML Template =head1 SYNOPSIS use AUBBC2; $AUBBC2::MEMOIZE = 1; # Module Speed @AUBBC2::TAGS = ();# Tags %AUBBC2::regex = ();# regex for add_tag() $AUBBC2::Config = '';# Path to configuration file my $aubbc = AUBBC2->new(); $aubbc->add_tag( 'tag' => 'b|i', # b or i 'type' => 'balanced', 'function' => '', 'message' => 'any', 'extra' => '', 'markup' => '<%{tag}>%{message}', ); my $message = '[b]Foo[/b]'; # bold tag print $aubbc->parse_bbcode($message); =head1 ABSTRACT BBcode Placeholders with HTML Template =head1 DESCRIPTION The main concept for this is to parse bbcode to markup and give a lot of control over each tag designed through placeholders and templating the markup. As it is now the BBcode tags end up being a big list that can be saved in a back-end or configuration file to be parsed. The attributes syntax for 'extra' should help to reduce the need to do regular-expressions to validate attributes. Still under development so concept can change. AUBBC vs AUBBC2 AUBBC = Has more time used in production and testing but does not fully support Strict markup. AUBBC2 = Is an alpha version meaning any part of the program is subjected to changes and may not fully work or needs more testing. This module can fully support BBcode to HTML/XHTML Strict. Block in Inline and incorrectly nested tags do not exists if you switch to CSS classes in DIV elements. =head1 Testing In this version all of the filters except for the script_escape and html_to_text are in the config file and the strip parser works. This list of methods are the focus of testing for this version. The methods with * should be low in testing priority or will work well. # Parser's parse_bbcode() single( 'tag' => '', # Tag 'function' => '', # Function 'message' => '', # Message area of the tag 'extra' => '', # Extra areas of the tag 'markup' => '', # Tag Temptlate 'parse' => '', # Parse Content & must script_escape for security ); balanced() linktag() strip() # Editing tags add_tag() remove_tag() clear_tags() tag_list() # %AUBBC settings editing add_settings() get_setting() remove_setting() # Error Messages * error_message() # filters * script_escape() html_to_text() # Module version * version() =head1 Adding Tags $aubbc->add_tag( 'tag' => 'Tag', # Tag name: 'type' => 'X', # Type name: tag style 'function' => '', # Function: subroutine to expand methods 'message' => 'any', # Message: of tag 'extra' => '', # Extra: of tag 'markup' => '', # Template: output ); Type name: Tag style single [tag] balanced [tag]message[/tag] or [tag=extra]message[/tag] or [tag attr=x...]message[/tag] or [tag=x attr=x...]message[/tag] linktag [tag://message] or [tag://message|extra] strip replace or remove Tag name: This allows a single tag added to change many tags and supports more complex regex: # This is an example of bold and italic in the same add_tag() # Tags: [b]message[/b] or [i]message[/i] # Output: message or message $aubbc->add_tag( 'tag' => 'b|i', # b or i 'type' => 'balanced', 'function' => '', 'message' => 'any', 'extra' => '', 'markup' => '<%{tag}>%{message}', ); Function: The name gets check to make sure its a defined subroutine then gets passed these variables of the tag. sub new_function { # $tag, $message, $attrs are the captured group of its place my ($type, $tag, $message, $markup, $extra, $attrs) = @_; # expand functions.... # A) if there is a $message and blank $markup the $message will replace the tag. # B) if there is both $message and $markup, then $message can be inserted # into $markup if $markup has %{message} or any "Markup Template Tags", # then markup will replace the tag. # C) if both are blank the tag doesnt change. return ($message, $markup); # May have to return more so we have better/more control } Message: Allows regex or fast regex for 'any', 'href', 'src' href-> protocal://location/web/path/or/file src-> protocal://location/web/path/or/file or /local/web/path/or/file Extra: supports -> any href src Allows regex after tag= and message| or if negative pipe is in front will switch to the attribute syntax for attribute range matching. Attributes syntax and rules: -Rules -1) -| must be at the beginning of 'extra' -2) All attributes listed in 'extra' must be used at least one time for the tag to convert. -3) The tag will not convert if an attribute is out of range -4) Do not use extra delimiters like / and , in 'extra', use as needed. Attribute syntax: -|attribute_name/switch{range},attribute_name2/switch{range} Switches: n{0-0000} = Number range n{1-10} means any number from 1 to 10 w{0000} = Word range character pre-set limit is '\w,.!?- ' w{5} means text 5 in length or less w{xx|xx} = Word match w{This|That} will match 'This' or 'That' and supports regex in w{regex} l{x-y} = Letter range with no length check l{a-c} means any letters from a to c l{0000} = Length check l{5} means text 5 in length or less note: usage of X{attribute_name} in the markup will be replaced with the value if everything is correct. # tag: [dd=Stuff 7 attr=33]stuff[/dd] # output:
$aubbc->add_tag( 'tag' => 'dd', 'type' => 'balanced', 'function' => '', 'message' => 'any', 'extra' => '-|attr/n{20-100},dd/w{7}', 'markup' => '<%{tag} attr="X{attr}" alt="X{dd}">%{message}', ); # tag: [video height=90 width=115]http://www.video.com/video.mp4[/video] # output: $aubbc->add_tag( 'tag' => 'video', 'type' => 'balanced', 'function' => '', 'message' => 'src', 'extra' => '-|width/n{90-120},height/n{60-90}', 'markup' => '', ); Markup: This is the template of the tag and has tags of its own giving you more control Markup Template Tags: Tag: Info %setting% Any setting name in AUBBC2's main setting hash %AUBBC %{tag} Tag value %{message} Message value %{extra} Extra value for non-attribute syntax X{attribute} Attribute names for values of attribute syntax =head1 Development Guidance http://www.perlmonks.com/ http://perldoc.perl.org/ =cut