NAME Bench - Benchmark running times of Perl code VERSION version 0.01 SYNOPSIS # time the whole program % perl -MBench -e'...' 0.1234s # basic usage of bench() % perl -MBench -e'bench sub { ... }' 397 calls (198/s), 2.0054s (0.0051s/call) # get bench result in a variable % perl -MBench -E'my $res = bench sub { ... }' # specify bench options % perl -MBench -E'bench sub { ... }, 100' % perl -MBench -E'bench sub { ... }, {n=>-5}' # use Dumbbench as the backend % perl -MDumbbench -MBench -E'bench sub { ... }' % perl -MBench -E'bench sub { ... }, {dummbench=>1, dumbbench_options=>{...}}' Ran 26 iterations (6 outliers). Rounded run time per iteration: 2.9029e-02 +/- 4.8e-05 (0.2%) # bench multiple codes % perl -MBench -E'bench {subs=>{a=>sub {...}, b=>sub {...}}, n=>-2}' a: 397 calls (198/s), 2.0054s (0.0051s/call) b: 294 calls (146/s), 2.0094s (0.0068s/call) DESCRIPTION This module is an alternative to Benchmark. It provides some nice defaults and a simpler interface. There is only one function, bench(), and it is exported by default. If bench() is never called, the whole program will be timed. This module can utilize Dumbbench as the backend. FUNCTIONS bench Syntax: bench(CODEREF) # bench a single sub, default options bench(CODEREF, HASHREF) # specify options bench(CODEREF, INT) # equivalent to bench(CODEREF, {n=>INT}) bench(HASHREF) # bench multiple subs, must specify 'subs' Run Perl code and time it. Exported by default. Will print the result if called in void context. Options are specified in HASHREF. Available options: * n => INT Run the code "n" times, or if negative, until at least "n" seconds. If unspecified, the default behaviour is: if code runs for more than 2 seconds, it will only be run once (n=1). Otherwise n=-2. * subs => HASHREF Specify subroutine(s) to time. You normally need not specify this option, unless you want to time several subroutines instead of just one. * dumbbench => BOOL If 0, do not use Dumbbench even if it is available. If 1, require and use Dumbbench. If left undef, will use Dumbbench if it is already loaded. * dumbbench_options => HASHREF Options that will be passed to Dumbbench constructor, e.g. {target_rel_precision=>0.005, initial_runs=>20}. SEE ALSO Benchmark Dumbbench AUTHOR Steven Haryanto COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.