NAME Config::Ini::OnDrugs - Yet another INI reader/writer (round trip, includes, variables, nest) VERSION version 0.04 SYNOPSIS # oo interface use Config::Ini::OnDrugs; my $ini = Config::Ini::OnDrugs->new(file => "file.ini"); my $section = $ini->get_section("Section"); # a hashref of param=>values my $val = $ini->get_value("Section", "Parameter"); # not yet implemented $ini->add_section("Section2"); # empty section $ini->add_section("Section3", {Param=>Value, ...}); # section with values $ini->delete_section("Section2"); $ini->set_value("Section", "Param", "New Value"); $ini->delete_value("Section", "Param"); $ini->as_tree; # dump back as string $ini->as_string; # procedural interface, Config::IOD is a shorter alias use Config::IOD qw( ini_get ini_get_section ini get_value ini_add_section ini_delete_section ini_add_value ini_set_value ini_delete_value ini_comment_value ini_uncomment_value ini_comment_section ini_uncomment_section ); my $ini = ini_get("file.ini"); my $section = ini_get_section("file.ini", "Section"); my $value = ini_get_value("file.ini", "Section", "Parameter"); ini_add_value("file.ini", , "Section", "Parameter", "Value"); ... DESCRIPTION IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: PRELIMINARY VERSION, SPEC MIGHT STILL CHANGE ONE OR TWO BITS. ONLY GET_SECTION() AND GET_PARAM() IS IMPLEMENTED. This module provides INI reading/writing class/functions. There are several other INI modules on CPAN; this one focuses on round trip parsing, includes, variables. The goal is to provide a usable format for configuration files suitable for automation (programatic modification) as well as editing by humans. What is round trip parsing, and why it is useful? It means preserving everything in the file, including comments and formatting (indents, whitespaces). In other words, if you load the INI file and dump it again, the resulting dump will be identical to the original file. If you modify just one parameter, the rest will be identical to the original (including whitespaces). Being round trip safe is useful for humans, because some of the things that are useful to humans are in the comments and whitespaces, which are not significant to machines. Example: ; Important, only set between 2 and 40, otherwise it will explode!!! ; In fact, only set between 2 and 27.5, other values are bunk!! frob = 2.3 plunk = 20.1 thingamagic = 27.4 is much more useful than: frob=2.3 plunk=20.1 thingamagic=2.5 Most other formats do not provide round trip parser, e.g. JSON, YAML, Config::General (Apache-style), XML; they all lose comments. They are good for automation but not ideal for humans. (Note: JSON documentation mentions the phrase "round trip", but it uses the phrase to mean integrity of values, not preserving comments/whitespaces.) INI::OD FORMAT SPECIFICATION Since the INI format does not have any formal specification, here is the specification for INI as used by this module (from here on: Ini::OD). Ini::OD is specified to be compatible with most of the INI files out there, while also introduce several useful extensions. An INI file is a text file containing either comment lines, directive lines, blank lines, section lines, and parameter lines. Comment line A comment line begins with ; or # as it's first nonblank character. Directive line A directive line is a special comment line, starting with an exclamation mark ("!") followed by a directive name and zero or more arguments. An invalid directive will be ignored and assumed to be a normal command (with warnings). #!directivename ;!directivename arg ... Directives influence parsing and turn on/off features. Known directives will be explained later in the text. Section line A section line introduces a section: [Section Name] ["quoted [] section name"] [] [""] Whitespace before the "[" token is allowed. To write a section name with problematic characters (like "\n", "\0", "]", etc.), use quotes. Ini::OD allows nested section using this syntax: [Outer][Inner][Even more inner]... Parameter line Parameter lines specify name value pairs: Parameter name = value Parameter2=value ; this is not a comment and part of value Parameter name and value can be quoted: "Contains\nnewline" = "\0" Whitespace before parameter name, and whitespaces between the "=" character are allowed and ignored. Trailing whitespace is not ignored for unquoted values. To specify an "undef" ("null") value, use expression: ;!expr param1=undef To specify an array value, use multiple lines or expression: param=foo param=bar ;!expr param=["foo", "bar"] To specify an array with a single value: ;!expr param=["foo"] To specify an array with an empty element: ;!expr param=[] To specify hash value, use nested section or an expression: [Section] ; param is {foo=>"1 ; a", bar=>"2"} [Section][param] foo=1 ; a bar="2" ;!expr param={"foo" => 1, "bar" => 2} Normally a parameter line should occur below section line, so that parameter belongs to the section. But a parameter line is also allowed before section line, in which it will belong to the default section specified in the parser. Quoting Quoting is done with the double-quote (") character. Known escapes are \', \", \\, \r (linefeed), \f (formfeed), \$ (literal $), \n (newline), \t (tab), \b (backspace), \a (bell), \0, octal form ("\0377"), hex form ("\xff") and wide-hex form (\x{263a}). Quoting is allowed for section name in section line and for parameter name and value in parameter line. Includes You can include another file using the !include directive: ;!include "/My Home/foo.ini" Variables and calculations You can use variables and calculations using the !expr directive. ; param is 1+2+$a, literal param=1+2+$a ; param is 5 a=3 b=4 ;!expr param = ($a**2 + $b**2) ** 0.5 ; to refer to sections [Section1] lang="Perl" [Section2] ;!expr param="I love " + $CONFIG['Section1']['lang'] Note: since parsing is done in 1-pass, make sure that you define a parameter first before using it in expressions. Merging between sections Directive !merge is used to merge sections. [default] repeat=1 volume=100 ;!merge default [steven] file=/home/steven/song1.mp3 repeat=2 ;!merge default steven [steven, car] file=/home/steven/song2.mp3 volume=30 Unsupported features Some INI implementation support other features, and listed below are those unsupported by Ini::OD, usually because the features are not popular: * Line continuation for multiline value param=line 1 \ line 2\ line 3 Supported by Config::IniFiles. In Ini::OD, use quoting: param="line 1 \nline 2\nline 3" * Heredoc syntax for array param=< COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.