NAME Gepok - Preforking HTTP server, HTTPS/Unix socket/multiports/PSGI VERSION version 0.03 SYNOPSIS In your program: use Gepok; my $d = Gepok->new( http_ports => [8081, ':8082', ''], # default none https_ports => [8084, ''], # default none unix_sockets => ['/var/run/gepok.sock','/tmp/gepok.sock'], # default none #ssl_key_file => '/path/to/key.pem', # required if https_ports specified #ssl_cert_file => '/path/to/crt.pem', # required if https_ports specified #max_requests_per_child => 100, # default is 1000 #start_servers => 0, # default is 3, 0 means don't prefork #daemonize => 0, # default is 1, 0 = don't go into background ); # run PSGI application $d->run($app); DESCRIPTION Gepok creates one or more HTTP::Daemon (for TCP/HTTP), HTTP::Daemon::SSL (for TCP/HTTPS), HTTP::Daemon::UNIX (for Unix socket/HTTP) objects to serve web requests over one or several ports. Some features: * HTTPS support out-of-the-box This is the primary reason why I wrote Gepok, and why it uses HTTP::Daemon::* family (because there is HTTP::Daemon::SSL). I needed a pure-Perl standalone webserver with SSL support builtin. Other Perl servers usually recommend running behind Nginx or some other external HTTPS proxy. * Preforking Good performance and reliability. * Multiple interface and Unix socket * PSGI Run any PSGI application/framework. * Runs on Unix platform This module uses Log::Any for logging. This module uses Moo for object system. ATTRIBUTES name => STR (default is basename of $0) Name of server, for display in process table ('ps ax'). daemonize => BOOL (default 1) Whether to daemonize (go into background). http_ports => ARRAY OF STR (default []) One or more HTTP ports to listen to. Default is none. Each port can be in the form of N, ":N", "" (all means the same thing, to bind to all interfaces) or "" (to bind to a specific network interface). https_ports => ARRAY OF STR (default []) Just like http_ports, but for specifying ports for HTTPS. unix_sockets => ARRAY OF STR Location of Unix sockets. Default is none, which means not listening to Unix socket. Each element should be an absolute path. You must at least specify one port (either http, https, unix_socket) or Gepok will refuse to run. require_root => BOOL (default 0) Whether to require running as root. Passed to SHARYANTO::Proc::Daemon::Prefork's constructor. pid_path => STR (default /var/run/.pid or ~/.pid) Location of PID file. scoreboard_path => STR (default /var/run/.scoreboard or ~/.scoreboard) Location of scoreboard file (used for communication between parent and child processes). If you disable this, autoadjusting number of children won't work (number of children will be kept at 'start_servers'). error_log_path => STR (default /var/log/-error.log or ~/-error.log) Location of error log. Default is /var/log/-error.log. It will be opened in append mode. access_log_path => STR (default /var/log/-access.log or ~/-access.log) Location of access log. It will be opened in append mode. Default format of access log is the Apache combined format. Override access_log() method if you wan't to customize this. ssl_key_file => STR Path to SSL key file, to be passed to HTTP::Daemon::SSL. If you specify one or more HTTPS ports, you need to supply this. ssl_cert_file => STR Path to SSL cert file, to be passed to HTTP::Daemon::SSL. If you specify one or more HTTPS ports, you need to supply this. start_servers => INT (default 3) Number of children to fork at the start of run. If you set this to 0, the server becomes a nonforking one. Tip: You can set start_servers to 0 and 'daemonize' to false for debugging. max_clients => INT (default 150) Maximum number of children processes to maintain. If server is busy, number of children will be increased from the original 'start_servers' up until this value. max_requests_per_child => INT (default 1000) Number of requests each child will serve until it exists. METHODS new(%args) Create a new instance of server. %args can be used to set attributes. $gepok->run($app) Start/run server and run the PSGI application $app. $gepok->start($app) Alias for run(). $gepok->stop() Stop running server. $gepok->restart() Restart server. $gepok->is_running() => BOOL Check whether server is running. $gepok->before_prefork() This is a hook provided for subclasses to do something before the daemon is preforking. For example, you can preload Perl modules here so that each child doesn't have to load modules separately (= inefficient). $gepok->access_log($req, $res, $sock) The default implementation uses the Apache combined format. Override if you want custom format. $res is HTTP::Request object, $res is PSGI response, $sock is the raw socket. FAQ Why the name Gepok? Gepok is an Indonesian word, meaning bundle. This class bundles one or several HTTP::Daemon::* objects to create a stand-alone web server. Performance notes? Thanks to preforking, Gepok has adequate performance and reliability handling multiple clients. But Gepok is not yet performance-tuned, or very performance-oriented to begin with. For convenience Gepok is based on HTTP::Daemon, which is also not too performance-oriented. For each HTTP request, HTTP::Daemon constructs an HTTP::Request object, which copies request body into a scalar (and, for PSGI, needs to be re-presented as a stream using IO::Scalar). Creating other objects like URI and HTTP::Headers are also involved. Gepok also creates file-based scoreboard, which might or might not be a bottleneck. Casual benchmarking on my PC shows that Gepok is about 3-4x slower than Starman for "hello world" PSGI. CREDITS Some code portion taken from Starman. SEE ALSO HTTP server classes used: HTTP::Daemon, HTTP::Daemon::SSL, HTTP::Daemon::UNIX. Starman, a high-performance preforking Perl HTTP server which also supports Unix socket and multiple ports, but doesn't support HTTPS out-of-the-box. Starlet HTTP::Server::PSGI AUTHOR Steven Haryanto COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.