NAME Perinci::CmdLine::Lite - A lightweight Rinci/Riap-based command-line application framework VERSION This document describes version 0.01 of Perinci::CmdLine::Lite (from Perl distribution Perinci-CmdLine-Lite), released on 2014-07-16. SYNOPSIS See Perinci::CmdLine::Manual::Examples. DESCRIPTION NOTE: This module is still experimental. Early release, completion not yet implemented. Perinci::CmdLine::Lite (hereby P::C::Lite) is a lightweight (low startup overhead, minimal dependencies) alternative to Perinci::CmdLine (hereby P::C). It offers a subset of functionality and a compatible API. Unless you use the unsupported features of P::C, P::C::Lite is a drop-in replacement for P::C (also see Perinci::CmdLine::Any for automatic fallback). The main difference is that, to keep dependencies minimal and startup overhead small, P::C::Lite does not access code and metadata through the Riap client library Perinci::Access layer, but instead accesses Perl modules/packages directly. Below is summary of the differences between P::C::Lite and P::C: * No remote URL support Only code in Perl packages on the filesystem is available. * No automatic validation from schema As code wrapping and schema code generation by Data::Sah currently adds some startup overhead. * P::C::Lite starts much faster The target is under 0.05s, while P::C can start between 0.2-0.5s. * P::C::Lite does not support color themes * P::C::Lite does not support undo * P::C::Lite does not currently support logging Something more lightweight than Log::Any::App will be considered. If you want to view logging and your function uses Log::Any, you can do something like this: % DEBUG=1 PERL5OPT=-MLog::Any::App * P::C::Lite does not support progress indicator * P::C::Lite does not support I18N * P::C::Lite does not yet support these Rinci function metadata properties x.perinci.cmdline.default_format * P::C::Lite does not yet support these Rinci function argument specification properties cmdline_src * P::C::Lite does not yet support these Rinci result metadata properties/attributes is_stream cmdline.display_result cmdline.page_result cmdline.pager * P::C::Lite uses simpler formatting Instead of Perinci::Result::Format (especially the 'text' formats which use Data::Format::Pretty::Console and Text::ANSITable), to keep dependencies minimal and formatting quick, P::C::Lite uses the following simple rules that work for a significant portion of common data structures: 1) if result is undef, print nothing. 2) if result is scalar, print it (with newline automatically added). 3) if result is an array of scalars (check at most 5 first rows), print it one line for each element. 4) if result is a hash of scalars (check at most 5 keys), print a two column table, first column is key and second column is value. Keys will be sorted. 5) if result is an array of hashes of scalars (check at most 5 elements), print as table. 6) if result is an array of arrays of scalars (check at most 5 elements), print as table. 7) otherwise print as JSON (after cleaning it with Data::Clean::JSON). YAML and the other formats are not supported. Table is printed using the more lightweight and much faster Text::Table::Tiny. * P::C::Lite does not yet support these environment variables PERINCI_CMDLINE_COLOR_THEME PERINCI_CMDLINE_SERVER PROGRESS PAGER COLOR UTF8 DEBUG, VERBOSE, QUIET, TRACE, and so on * In passing command-line object to functions, P::C::Lite object is passed Some functions might expect a Perinci::CmdLine instance. ENVIRONMENT * PERINCI_CMDLINE_PROGRAM_NAME => STR Can be used to set CLI program name. SEE ALSO Perinci::CmdLine, Perinci::CmdLine::Manual Perinci::CmdLine::Any HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at . SOURCE Source repository is at . BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. AUTHOR Steven Haryanto COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.