NAME Perinci::Sub::Gen::AccessTable::DBI - Generate function (and its Rinci metadata) to access DBI table data VERSION version 0.01 SYNOPSIS Your database table "countries": | id | eng_name | ind_name | |----+--------------------------+-----------------| | cn | China | Cina | | id | Indonesia | Indonesia | | sg | Singapore | Singapura | | us | United States of America | Amerika Serikat | In #!perl use strict; use warnings; use Perinci::CmdLine; use Perinci::Sub::Gen::AccessTable::DBI qw(gen_read_dbi_table_func); our %SPEC; my $res = gen_read_dbi_table_func( summary => 'func summary', # opt description => 'func description', # opt dbh => ..., table_name => 'countries', table_spec => { summary => 'List of countries', fields => { id => { schema => 'str*', summary => 'ISO 2-letter code for the country', index => 0, sortable => 1, }, eng_name => { schema => 'str*', summary => 'English name', index => 1, sortable => 1, }, ind_name => { schema => 'str*', summary => 'Indonesian name', index => 2, sortable => 1, }, }, pk => 'id', }, ); die "Can't generate function: $res->[0] - $res->[1]" unless $res->[0] == 200; *list_countries = $res->[2]{code}; $SPEC{list_countries} = $res->[2]{meta}; Perinci::CmdLine->new(url=>'/main/list_countries')->run; Now you can do: # list all countries, by default only PK field is shown $ --format=text-simple cn id sg us # show as json, randomize order $ --format=json --random ["id","us","sg","cn"] # only list countries which contain 'Sin', show all fields (--detail) $ --q=Sin --detail .----------------------------. | eng_name | id | ind_name | +-----------+----+-----------+ | Singapore | sg | Singapura | '-----------+----+-----------+ # show only certain fields, limit number of records, return in YAML format $ --fields '[id, eng_name]' --result-limit 2 --format=yaml - 200 - OK - - id: cn eng_name: China - id: id eng_name: Indonesia DESCRIPTION This module is just like Perinci::Sub::Gen::AccessTable, except that table data source is from DBI. Supported databases: SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL. Early versions tested on: SQLite. CAVEATS It is often not a good idea to expose your database schema directly as API. TODO * Generate table_spec from database schema, if unspecified FAQ SEE ALSO Perinci::Sub::Gen::AccessTable DESCRIPTION This module has Rinci metadata. FUNCTIONS None are exported by default, but they are exportable. gen_read_dbi_table_func(%args) -> [status, msg, result, meta] Generate function (and its metadata) to read DBI table. The generated function acts like a simple single table SQL SELECT query, featuring filtering, ordering, and paging, but using arguments as the 'query language'. The generated function is suitable for exposing a table data from an API function. Please see Perinci::Sub::Gen::AccessTable's documentation for more details on what arguments the generated function will accept. Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments): * case_insensitive_search => *bool* (default: 1) Decide whether generated function will perform case-insensitive search. * custom_filters => *hash* Supply custom filters. A hash of filter name and definitions. Filter name will be used as generated function's argument and must not clash with other arguments. Filter definition is a hash containing these keys: *meta* (hash, argument metadata), *code*, *fields* (array, list of table fields related to this field). Code will be called for each record to be filtered and will be supplied ($r, $v, $opts) where $v is the filter value (from the function argument) and $r the hashref record value. $opts is currently empty. Code should return true if record satisfies the filter. * custom_search => *code* Supply custom searching for generated function. Code will be supplied ($r, $q, $opts) where $r is the record (hashref), $q is the search term (from the function argument 'q'), and $opts is {ci=>0|1}. Code should return true if record matches search term. * dbh* => *obj* DBI database handle. * default_arg_values => *hash* Specify defaults for generated function's arguments. Can be used to supply default filters, e.g. # limit years for credit card expiration date { "year.min" => $curyear, "year.max" => $curyear+10, } * default_detail => *bool* Supply default 'detail' value for function arg spec. * default_fields => *str* Supply default 'fields' value for function arg spec. * default_random => *bool* Supply default 'random' value in generated function's metadata. * default_result_limit => *int* Supply default 'result_limit' value in generated function's metadata. * default_sort => *str* Supply default 'sort' value in generated function's metadata. * default_with_field_names => *bool* Supply default 'with_field_names' value in generated function's metadata. * description* => *str* Generated function's description. * enable_search => *bool* (default: 1) Decide whether generated function will support searching (argument q). * langs => *array* (default: ["en_US"]) Choose language for function metadata. This function can generate metadata containing text from one or more languages. For example if you set 'langs' to ['en*US', 'id*ID'] then the generated function metadata might look something like this: { v => 1.1, args => { random => { summary => 'Random order of results', # English "summary.alt.lang.id_ID" => "Acak urutan hasil", # Indonesian ... }, ... }, ... } * summary* => *str* Generated function's summary. * table_name* => *str* DBI table name. * table_spec* => *hash* Table specification. Just like Perinci::Sub::Gen::AccessTable's table*spec, except that each field specification can have a key called "db_field" to specify the database field (if different). Currently this is required. Future version will be able to generate table*spec from table schema if table_spec is not specified. * word_search => *bool* (default: 0) Decide whether generated function will perform word searching instead of string searching. For example, if search term is 'pine' and field value is 'green pineapple', search will match if word*search=false, but won't match under word*search. This will not have effect under 'custom_search'. Return value: Returns an enveloped result (an array). First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (result) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information. AUTHOR Steven Haryanto COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.