NAME Progress::Any - Record progress to any output VERSION version 0.06 SYNOPSIS In your module: package MyApp; use Progress::Any; sub download { my @urls = @_; return unless @urls; my $progress = Progress::Any->get_indicator(task => "download"); $progress->pos(0); $progress->target(~~@urls); for my $url (@urls) { # download the $url ... $progress->update(message => "Downloaded $url"); } $progress->finish; } In your application: use MyApp; use Progress::Any::Output; Progress::Any::Output->set('TermProgressBarColor'); MyApp::download("url1", "url2", "url3", "url4", "url5"); When run, your application will display something like this, in succession: 20% [====== Downloaded url1 ]0m00s Left 40% [=======Downloaded url2 ]0m01s Left 60% [=======Downloaded url3 ]0m01s Left 80% [=======Downloaded url4== ]0m00s Left (At 100%, the output automatically cleans up the progress bar). Another example, demonstrating multiple indicators and the LogAny output: use Progress::Any; use Progress::Any::Output; use Log::Any::App; Progress::Any::Output->set('LogAny', format => '[%c/%C] %m'); my $p1 = Progress::Any->get_indicator(task => ''); my $p2 = Progress::Any->get_indicator(task => 'main.copy'); $p1->target(10); $p1->update(message => "downloading A"); # by default increase pos by 1 $p2->update(message => "copying A"); $p1->update(message => "downloading B"); $p2->update(message => "copying B"); will show something like: [1/10] downloading A [1/?] copying A [2/10] downloading B [2/?] copying B DESCRIPTION "Progress::Any" is an interface for applications that want to display progress to users. It decouples progress updating and output, rather similar to how Log::Any decouples log producers and consumers (output). The API is also rather similar to Log::Any, except *Adapter* is called *Output* and *category* is called *task*. Progress::Any records position/target and calculation of times (elapsed, remaining). One of the output modules (Progress::Any::Output::*) displays this information. In your modules, you typically only needs to use Progress::Any, get one or more indicators, set position/target and update it during work. In your application, you use Progress::Any::Output and set/add one or more outputs to display the progress. By setting output only in the application and not in modules, you separate the formatting/display concern from the logic. The list of features: * multiple progress indicators You can use different indicator for each task/subtask. * customizable output Output is handled by one of "Progress::Any::Output::*" modules. Currently available outputs: "Null" (no output), "TermMessage" (display as simple message on terminal), "TermProgressBarColor" (display as color progress bar on terminal), "LogAny" (log using Log::Any), "Callback" (call a subroutine). Other possible output ideas: IM/Twitter/SMS, GUI, web/AJAX, remote/RPC (over Riap for example, so that Perinci::CmdLine-based command-line clients can display progress update from remote functions). * multiple outputs One or more outputs can be used to display one or more indicators. * hierarchiecal progress A task can be divided into subtasks. If a subtask is updated, its parent task (and its parent, and so on) are also updated proportionally. * message Aside from setting a number/percentage, allow including a message when updating indicator. * undefined target Target can be undefined, so a bar output might not show any bar (or show them, but without percentage indicator), but can still show messages. * retargetting Target can be changed in the middle of things. STATUS API might still change, will be stabilized in 1.0. EXPORTS $progress The main indicator. Equivalent to: Progress::Any->get_indicator(task => 'main') METHODS Progress::Any->get_indicator(%args) => OBJ Get a progress indicator for a certain task. Arguments: * task => STR (default: main) If not specified will be set to caller's package ("::" will be replaced with "."), e.g. if you are calling this method from "main::foo", then task will be set to "". If caller is code inside eval, "main" will be used instead. * target => NUM (default: undef) Optional. Can be used to initialize target. Will only be done once for the same task and not for the subsequent get_indicator() calls on the same task. * pos => NUM (default: 0) Optional. Can be used to initialize starting position. Will only be done once for the same task and not for the subsequent get_indicator() calls on the same task. $progress->target([ NUM ]) => NUM Get or (re)set target. Can be left or set to undef. $progress->pos([ NUM ]) => NUM Get or set the current position. $progress->update(%args) Update indicator. Will also, usually, update associated output(s) if necessary. Arguments: * pos => NUM Set the new position. If unspecified, defaults to current position + 1. If pos is larger than target, outputs will generally still show 100%. Note that fractions are allowed. * message => STR Set a message to be displayed when updating indicator. * level => NUM EXPERIMENTAL, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED BY MOST OUTPUTS. Setting the importance level of this update. Default is "normal" (or "low" for fractional update), but can be set to "high" or "low". Output can choose to ignore updates lower than a certain level. * status => STR Set the status of this update, usually done on finish(). Some outputs interpret/display this, for example the "TermMessage" output: Update: my $progress = Progress::Any->get_indicator( task => 'copy', message => 'Copying file ...'); $progress->update(message=>'file1.txt'); Output: Copying file ... file1.txt Update: $progress->finish(status=>'success'); Output: Copying file ... success * finished => BOOL Can be set to 1 (e.g. by finish()) if task is completed. $progress->finish(%args) Equivalent to: $progress->update(pos => $progress->target, finished=>1, %args); The "finished => 1" part currently does nothing particularly special, except to record completion. $progress->fill_template($template, \%values) Fill template with values, like in sprintf. Usually used by output modules. Available templates: * "%(width)t" Task. * "%(width)a" Elapsed time. Currently using Time::Duration concise format, e.g. 10s, 1m40s, 16m40s, 1d4h, and so on. Format might be configurable and localizable in the future. * %e Estimated completion time. Currently using Time::Duration concise format, e.g. 10s, 1m40s, 16m40s, 1d4h, and so on. Format might be configurable and localizable in the future. * "%(width).(prec)p" Percentage of completion. You can also specify width and precision, like %f in Perl sprintf. Default is "%3.0p". If percentage is unknown (due to target being undef) will translate to "?". * "%(width).(prec)c" Current position (pos) (or counter). * "%(width).(prec)C" Target (or total item count). If undefined, will translate to "?". * %m Message. If message is unspecified, translate to empty string. * "%%" A literal "%" sign. SEE ALSO Other progress modules on CPAN: Term::ProgressBar, Term::ProgressBar::Simple, Time::Progress, among others. Output modules: "Progress::Any::Output::*" See examples on how Progress::Any is used by other modules: Perinci::CmdLine (supplying progress object to functions), Git::Bunch (using progress object). AUTHOR Steven Haryanto COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.