NAME Sub::Spec - Subroutine metadata & wrapping framework VERSION version 0.11 SYNOPSIS In your module: package MyModule; use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; our %SPEC; $SPEC{pow} = { summary => 'Exponent a number', description => <<'_', ... _ args => { base => [float => {summary=>"Base number", required=>1, arg_pos=>0}], exp => [float => {summary=>"Exponent" , required=>1, arg_pos=>1}], }, }; sub pow { my (%args) = @_; return [200, "OK", $arg{base} ** $arg{exp}]; } Use your subs in Perl scripts/modules: package MyApp; use 5.010; use Sub::Spec; use MyModule qw(pow); my $res; # schema checking (NOT WORKING YET) #$res = pow(base => 1); # [400, "Missing argument: exp"] #$res = pow(base => "a"); # [400, "Invalid argument: base must be a float"] $res = pow(base => 2, exp=>10); # [200, "OK", 1024] say $res->[2]; Use positional arguments (NOT WORKING YET): use MyModule pow => {args_as=>'ARRAY'}; $res = pow(2, 10); # [200, "OK", 1024] Return data only instead of with status code + message (NOT WORKING YET): use MyModule pow => {result_naked=>1}; say pow(base=>2, exp=>10); # 1024 say pow(base=>2); # now throws exception due to missing required arg 'exp' Use your subs from the command line (see Sub::Spec::CmdLine for more details): % cat #!/usr/bin/perl use Sub::Spec::CmdLine qw(run); run(module=>"MyModule", sub=>"pow"); % --help (Usage message ...) % --base 2 --exp 10 1024 % 2 10 1024 % 2 Error: Missing required argument exp Create HTTP REST API from your subs (NOT WORKING YET, see Sub::Spec::HTTP for more details): % cat #!/usr/bin/perl use Sub::Spec::HTTP qw(run); run(port=>8000, module=>"MyModule", sub=>"pow"); $ curl http://localhost:8000/api/MyModule/pow?base=2&exp=10 1024 DESCRIPTION NOTE: This module is still very early in development. Most of the features are not even implemented yet. Subroutines are an excellent unit of reuse, in some ways they are even superior to objects (simpler, map better to HTTP/network programming due to being stateless, etc). Sub::Spec aims to make your subs much more useful, reusable, powerful. All you have to do is provide some metadata (a spec) for your sub. See Sub::Spec::Manual::Spec for more details about sub spec. Below are the features provided by Sub::Spec: * fast and flexible parameter checking See Sub::Spec::Clause::args and Sub::Spec::Clause::result for more details. * positional as well as named arguments calling style See the export clause -args_as in Sub::Spec::Exporter. * flexible exporting See Sub::Spec::Exporter. * easy switching between exception-based and return-code error handling See the export clause -exception in Sub::Spec::Exporter. * command-line access You can basically turn your subs into a command-line program with a single line of code, complete with argument processing, --help, pretty-printing of output, and bash tab-completion. See Sub::Spec::CmdLine for more information. * HTTP REST access Creating an API from your subs is dead easy. See Sub::Spec::HTTP. * generation of API documentation (POD, etc) See Sub::Spec::Pod on how to generate POD and Pod::Weaver::Plugin::SubSpec on how to do this when building dist with Dist::Zilla. See gen_usage() in Sub::Spec::CmdLine to generate text help message. * execution time limits See Sub::Spec::Clause::timeout. * automatic retries See Sub::Spec::Clause::retry. * logging * and more ... CLAUSES Here are the general clauses. For the rest of the clauses see respective Sub::Spec::Clause::, e.g. Sub::Spec::Clause::args, etc. * name The name of the subroutine. Useful for generating help/usage information, or when aliasing subroutines (and reusing the spec) and finding out the canonical/original name of the subroutine. * summary A one-line summary. It should be plain text without any markup. * description A longer description. Currently the format of the text inside is not yet specified. It is probably going to be Markdown, not POD/HTML. Sub::Spec is extensible, you can add your own clauses (see Sub::Spec::Manual::Spec for more information). FAQ See Sub::Spec::Manual::FAQ SEE ALSO Modules used Data::Sah for schema checking. Log::Any for logging. Alternative modules If you just want to give named arguments, you might want to consider Sub::NamedParams. You can check out Sub::Attempts for retries. There are a gazillion modules for parameter checking. Data::Sah lists a few of them. Related non-Perl resources Python Decorators, , . AUTHOR Steven Haryanto COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.