NAME Task::BeLike::SHARYANTO::Favorited - Install all SHARYANTO's favorite modules VERSION version 0.02 DESCRIPTION This task will install modules favorited by SHARYANTO on . TASK CONTENTS Included modules Data::Rmap HTML::Escape App::PPI::Dumper Scalar::Util::Numeric perlsecret App::cpanoutdated App::cpanlistchanges App::pmuninstall App::perlbrew Config::IniFiles Regexp::Grammars Plack PSGI Starman Class::Inspector Text::ASCIITable Term::ANSIColor syntax File::Flock Module::Path Module::List Sort::Versions Digest::MD5 Dist::Zilla Test::Exception Test::Simple REST::Google CHI Tie::Cache WWW::Mechanize String::ShellQuote Proc::PID::File Path::Class Mouse Moose Mojolicious YAML::LibYAML YAML::Syck YAML List::MoreUtils JSON LWP File::Which File::HomeDir DBD::SQLite DBI autodie DateTime DateTime::BusinessHours Moo Data::Clone UUID::Random Capture::Tiny File::LibMagic Devel::Platform::Info File::Slurp File::chdir App::cpanminus Data::Printer Carp::Always::Color Carp::Always Taint::Util App::perlfind PerlX::Maybe Data::DPath Log::Any AUTHOR SHARYANTO COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.