Perl-Ogre ========= This is a Perl binding for OGRE, Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine, a C++ library found at . The wrapping is currently incomplete, but there are several interesting examples working now (see examples/README.txt). See TODO.txt for the things I'd like to do. Suggest more things (preferably submitted with patches) if you like. My aim is mostly to be able to run OGRE's samples and tutorials from Perl. (The tutorials and documentation for OGRE are excellent. I highly recommend going through them before trying this Perl wrapper.) DEPENDENCIES Only versions >= 1.6.1 of OGRE are currently supported, so you need to install that either by building from source or by installing a package. (In fact, I have version 1.6.3, and I'm just assuming that 1.6.1 will work.) If you use Ubuntu, I have some notes below that might help. You need to install the "dev" versions of packages, since this module links against the libraries. Makefile.PL uses pkg-config to get information about the libraries and header files needed to build against OGRE, so you should be able to do this: pkg-config --libs OGRE pkg-config --cflags OGRE pkg-config --modversion OGRE The last one should say at least 1.6.1. The C++ compiler used by default is `g++`, but you can specify a different C++ compiler by setting the CXX environmental variable. Anything more, and you'll have to hack at Makefile.PL. I have the impression that OGRE doesn't install pkg-config on Windows (though nobody ever answers when I ask...), so this package will probably not currently work on Windows. I'd like it to, but I don't use Windows. Please let me know how if you get it working. Patches for Mac OS would be welcome as well (in particular, look in Ogre/ExampleApplication for "macBundlePath"). OPTIONAL If you have Gtk2 installed, which in practice means that the following outputs a version number: pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0 then a static method, Ogre->getWindowHandleString, will be built. The string returned can be passed to the `params' argument of Ogre::Root::createRenderWindow in order to use a window (widget) already created by gtk2-perl or wxPerl, thereby letting you embed an Ogre widget in a GUI application. This feature is currently EXPERIMENTAL, meaning its usage might change in the future or be dropped altogether if it doesn't work. Some scripts under examples/ require these Perl modules: - OIS - Readonly (I'm going to remove that..) I recommend installing both of them, but you don't have to. It would be best to install at least version 0.05 of my OIS module, which works with version 1.2 of libois. It would be a good idea to make sure you also have installed CEGUI, OIS, libdevil, and nVidia Cg, if those aren't already installed. This Perl module currently only provides support for OGRE and OIS, however. The reason I recommend installing those libraries, is mainly just so you can run the (C++) tutorials for comparison. INSTALLATION To install this module, do the usual: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install You might have to edit Makefile.PL to get it to work for your system. If so, please let me know. INSTALLING OGRE UNDER UBUNTU Here's how I got setup on Ubuntu Jaunty There is a nice howto for compiling things manually at That may be fulfilling for some people, but there are also updated packages at sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 6FED7057 sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list add these lines deb jaunty main deb-src jaunty main then install the Ogre-related packages sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install \ blender-ogrexml \ cegui-layout-editor \ libcegui \ libmygui \ libmygui-dev \ libogre-dev \ libogremain-1.6.3 \ libois-dev \ libois1 \ libsilly0 \ nvidia-cg-toolkit \ ogre-doc \ ogre-tools and remove any lingering "old" packages: sudo apt-get remove ogre-doc-nonfree sudo apt-get autoremove Make sure that OIS is version 1.2.0 and ogre libs are 1.6.3. You might also want the official Ogre sources at I checked out both trunk and the 1.6 branch with: cd svn co \ \ ogre To build it yourself, see: and good luck.... COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Please report any bugs/suggestions to . Copyright 2007-2009, Scott Lanning. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Note that OGRE itself is under an LGPL license. See for more (and probably more accurate) information. (Further note: they announced just today that version 1.7 on will be under the MIT license.)