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Some illustrations sticked on a wall

- 01 Idea is the first step of process - 02 Idea is inserted in the file (through process) - 03 Idea comes from discourse (given about project) - 04 Idea comes when there is no time left - 05 Ideas constitue the project - 06 Process allows ideas to evolve - 07 Process allows to fill the file (with ideas + discourse) - 08 Process allows to generate some discourse - 09 Process allows to save time - 10 Process allows to set up the project - 11 File is made of ideas - 12 File is filled and emptied with the process - 13 File is made of discourse - 14 File archives ideas, making possible to forget them - 15 File generates a project - 16 Discourse steers ideas - 17 Discourse analyzes process - 18 Discourse talks about the file - 19 Discourse allows to link various stages of the projet - 20 Discourse is a constituent of the project - 21 From time to time, ideas appear - 22 Time is needed to apply the process - 23 Time is suspended into file, process is off there - 24 Discourse's time (reading time) - 25 Various times contained in project give it's shape - 26 Project is updated by new ideas - 27 Project is constantly updated by the process - 28 Project is set up when file is updated - 29 Project and discourse are inseparable - 30 Project is what takes the longuest time to set up # HISTORY This is a long term continuation of an art project started circa 2006. In 2005, I got a metal box and colored carton cards and called this _Le Fichier_. It was basically a database of artworks ideas. I was trashing all ideas I could have of serious or weird potential artworks. It was inspired either by Roland Barthes, who was actually working with those kind of cards, Georges Perec, who was exploring _potentialities_, and Édouard Levé _Oeuvres_, a huge catalog of potential artworks (he later commited suicide after describing his own _Suicide_ in a book). 2006 I initiated a FileMaker database of artworks to put the old style carton cards in computer form. I had no idea what I was doing at this time, being an art school student, at this time, programming was not massively taught as a fine art (unfortunately). In 2008 I benefited of an artist residency in an agricultural college with a creation grant of 10 000€. I wanted to keep working on my _Art World and Creative Processes schemas_ projects initiated during art school. It didn't go very well because the Plastic Art _State Inspector_ didn't like what I was doing with her money and strongly advised to change orientation. In my opinion, it was a perfect thing that the instutition itself would exhibit it's own workings. In the end, there was an exhibition, but she didn't come to the opening. Anyway, I ended up interviewing many _Agents_ of the college, and went especially well with some natural sciences teacher. He recommended a manual were I found some schemas that I made some _detournement_: I used the geology science as a metaphor of art world. I used geology terms and language to describe social interactions that were not described in the art sociology field.

Pencil schema with mountains

The residency ended up with [the redaction of a rather precise documentation](https://files.balik.network/art/schema_v4_presentation.pdf) (maybe my first specification). Then I almost got beaten by a fellow artist who was participating in a collective exhibition mostly for the money and not for the fun. I guess he felt a bit provoked by my situationist theory. In 2008, I finally decided to start a training to learn programming and design a proper database and system for _managing a virtual Art World_. I became a web developer, but I totally forgot the ulterior motive. Sometimes I thought about it: - 2013 Perl try I bootstrapped a Perl module with 5 abstract empty classes and then let it sleep on Github - 2017 Raku try I restarted my project while getting into Raku (it was still Perl6 at this time), but learning Raku was too much effort and I abandonned again. Ten years later I am still on it. This project is [following me in my dreams](https://smonff.gitlab.io/art-school-story/). I'll give it another try. # AUTHOR - Sébastien Feugère - Seb. Hu-Rillettes # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2006-2020 Seb. Hu-Rillettes This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.