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Especially, the [HISTORY](https://metacpan.org/pod/Art%3A%3AWorld%3A%3AManual#HISTORY) and the [OBJECTIVES](https://metacpan.org/pod/Art%3A%3AWorld%3A%3AManual#OBJECTIVES) section could be very handy to understand how this is an artwork using programming. # ROLES ## Abstraction This is were all kind of weird phenomenons happen. See the Manual about how it works. ## Active Provide a `participate` method. ## Buyer Provide a `aquire` method requiring some `money`. All this behavior and attributes are encapsulated in the `Buyer` role because there is no such thing as somebody in the art world that buy but doesn't sale. ## Collectionable If it's collectionable, it can go to a `Collector` collection or in a `Museum`. ## Event All the necessary attributes and methodes for having fun between Art::world's Agents. ## Exhibit Role for [`Places`](https://metacpan.org/pod/Art%3A%3AWorld#Place) that display some [`Artworks`](https://metacpan.org/pod/Art%3A%3AWorld#Artwork). ## Fame `Fame` role provide ways to control the aura and reputation that various `Agents`, `Places` or `Works` have. Cannot be negative. It has an handy `bump_fame()` method that self-bump the fame count. It can be passed a positive `Num`, a negative `Num` (so that the fame will get lower) and even no parameter, in that case it will just add 1. my $artist = Art::World->new_artist( reputation => 0.42, name => 'Questular Rontok' ); say $artist->bump_fame; # ==> 1.42 say $artist->bump_fame( 0.0042 ); # ==> 1.4242 If you try to update the fame to a negative value, nothing happens and a nice warning is displayed. The fame can be consummed by pretty much everything. A `Place` or and `Agent` have a fame through it's reputation, and an `Artwork` too through it's aura. Classes that consume `Fame` can have two different kind of attributes for storing the `Fame`: - aura For `Works` only. - reputation For `Agents`, `Places`, etc. ## Market It is all about offer and demand. Involve a price but should involve more money I guess. ## Manager A role for those who _take care_ of exhibitions and other organizational matters. ## Showable Only an object that does the `Showable` role can be exhibited. An object should be exhibited only if it reached the `Showable` stage. # CLASSES ## Agent They are the activists of the Art World, previously known as the _Wildlife_. my $agent = Art::World->new_agent( name => $f->person_name ); $agent->participate; # ==> "That's interesting" A generic entity that can be any activist of the `Art::World`. Provides all kind of `Agent` classes and roles. The `Agent` got an a `networking( $people )` method. When it is passed and `ArrayRef` of various implementation classes of `Agents` (`Artist`, `Curator`, etc.) it bumps the `reputation` attributes of all of 1/10 of the `Agent` with the highest reputation. If this reputation is less than 1, it is rounded to the `$self-`config->{ FAME }->{ DEFAULT\_BUMP }> constant. The bump coefficient can be adjusted in the configuration through `{ FAME }-`{ BUMP\_COEFFICIENT }>. There is also a special way of bumping fame when `Manager`s are in a Networking activity: The `influence()` method makes possible to apply the special `$self-`config->{ FAME }->{ MANAGER\_BUMP }> constant. Then the `Agent`s reputations are bumped by the `MANAGER_BUMP` value multiplicated by the highest networking `Manager` reputation. This is what the `influence()` method returns: return $self->config->{ FAME }->{ MANAGER_BUMP } * $reputation; The default values can be edited in `art.conf`. ## Art Will be what you decide it to be depending on how you combine all the entities. ## Article Something in a `Magazine` of `Website` about `Art`, `Exhibitions`, etc. ## Artist The artist got a lots of wonderful powers: - `create` - `have_idea` all day long In the beginning of their carreer they are usually underground, but this can change in time. $artist->is_underground if not $artist->has_collectors; ## Artwork The base thing producted by artists. Artwork is subclass of [`Work`Art::World::Work](https://metacpan.org/pod/WorkArt%3A%3AWorld%3A%3AWork) that have a `Showable` and `Collectionable` role. ## Book Where a lot of theory is written by `Critics` ## Collector ## Collective They do stuff together. You know, art is not about lonely `Artists` in their `Workshop`. ## Concept `Concept` is an abstract class that does the `Abstraction` role. ## Critic ## Curator A special kind of Agent that _can_ select Artworks, define a thematic, setup everything in the space and write a catalog. ## Exhibition An `Event` that is organised by a `Curator`. ## Gallery Just another kind of [`Place`](https://metacpan.org/pod/Art%3A%3AWorld#Place), mostly commercial. Since it implements the [`Buyer`](https://metacpan.org/pod/Art%3A%3AWorld#Buyer) role, a gallery can both `acquire()` and `sell()`. ## Idea When some abstractions starts to become something in the mind of an `Agent` ## Institution A `Place` that came out of the `Underground`. ## Magazine ## Museum Yet another kind of `Place`, an institution with a lot of [`Artworks`](https://metacpan.org/pod/Art%3A%3AWorld#Artwork) in the basement. ## Opening ## Place ## Playground A generic space where `Art::World` `Agents` can do all kind of weird things. ## Public ## School ## Sex ## Squat ## Theory When some abstract concept turns to some said or written stuff. ## Website ## Work There are not only `Artworks`. All `Agent`s produce various kind of work or help consuming or implementing `Art`. ## Workshop A specific kind of [`Playground`](https://metacpan.org/pod/Art%3A%3AWorld#Playground) where you can build things tranquilly. # META UTILS A couple of utilities that makes a sort of meta-programming very simple. It is more like a reminder for my bad memory than something very interesting. Largely inspired by [this Perl Monks thread](https://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1043195). Art::World::Meta->get_all_attributes( $artist ); # ==> ( 'id', 'name', 'reputation', 'artworks', 'collectors', 'collected', 'status' ) ## get\_class( Object $klass ) Returns the class of the object. ## get\_set\_attributes\_only( Object $clazz ) Returns only attributes that are set for a particular object. ## get\_all\_attributes( Object $claxx ) Returns even non-set attributes for a particular object. # AUTHORS Sébastien Feugère ## Contributors > Ezgi Göç > > Joseph Balicki > > Nadia Boursin-Piraud > > Nicolas Herubel > > Pierre Aubert > > Seb. Hu-Rillettes > > Toby Inkster # ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project was made possible by the greatness of [Zydeco](https://zydeco.toby.ink/). # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2006-2020 Sebastien Feugère This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.