CGI::Minimal An _extremely_ lightweight CGI processing package designed to provide form decoding and related services with low overhead. 1.09 19 Mar 2002 - Exposed CGI::Minimal::reset_globals class method to support non-mod_perl persistent execution environments. 1.08 26 Jul 2001 - Added 'raw' method for obtaining a dump of the raw input buffer data without any parsing. Moved documentation into seperate POD file. 1.07 01 Dec 2000 - Added capability of taking a GET style parameter string via STDIN if running at the command line. 1.06 10 April 2000 - 'unfixed' use of quotemeta on split parameter for multi-part forms. It seems 'split' doesn't work exactly as specified in the docs.... 1.05 03 April 2000 - Fixed breakage in 'param;' from 1.04 changes 1.04 03 April 2000 - Added capability to set params via the param() method like '' plus general code cleanup 1.03 02 March 2000 - 'mod_perl' compatibility added 1.02 09 June 1999 - Initial public release. To install: perl Makefile.PL make make install See 'perldoc CGI::Minimal' for the documentation.