Lingua::Stem Provides word stemming algorithms localized by language. Current only 'En' (English) is supported, but hooks for other languages are in place. The next to be added will be 'De' (German). Changes 0.50 2000.09.14 - Fixed major implementation error. Starting with version 0.30 I forgot to include rulesets 2,3 and 4 for Porter's algorithm. The resulting stemming results were very poor. Thanks go to "Yap" for bringing the problem to my attention. Unfortunately, the fix inherently generates *different* stemming results than 0.30 and 0.40 did. If you need identically broken output - use locale 'en-broken'. 0.40 2000.08.25 - Added stem caching support as an option. This can provide a large speedup to the operation of the stemmer. Caching is default turned off to maximize compatibility with previous versions. 0.30 1999.06.24 - Replaced core of 'En' stemmers with code from Jim Richardson Aliased 'en-us' and 'en-uk' to 'en' Fixed 'SYNOPSIS' to correct return value type for stemmed words (SYNOPIS error spotted by ) 0.20 1999.06.15 - Changed to '.pm' module, moved into Lingua:: namespace, added OO interface, optionalized the export of routines into the caller's namespace, added named parameter initialization, stemming exceptions, autoloaded locale support and isolated case flattening to localized stemmers prevent i18n problems later. Input and output text are assumed to be in UTF8 encoding (no operational impact right now, but will be important when extending the module to non-English). To install: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Type 'perldoc Lingua::Stem' after installation for the documentation or go to Copyright 1999, Benjamin Franz (), Jim Richardson, (), and FreeRun Technologies (). All Rights Reserved. This software may be copied or redistributed under the same terms as Perl itelf.