Search::InvertedIndex A general purpose inverted indexing system suitable for medium scale searching. The compiled external modules used are Digest::SHA1 (needed because it uses the 'Tie::FileLRUCache' module for performance enhancment on searches) and DB_File (because it used by the 'Tie::DB_File::SplitHash' module). The module itself is Perl with the two exceptions noted above. If you have 'Digest::SHA1' and 'DB_File' on your system, no compilation is required. It is designed to allow the easy 'plug in' of any wanted backend database in place of DB_File. Requires (as of now) 'Digest::SHA1', 'DB_File', 'Class::NamedParms', 'Class::ParmList', 'Tie::FileLRUCache', and 'Tie::DB_File::SplitHash' modules for support. CHANGES 1.00 - Initial release 1.01 - Documentation fixes, addition of 'database reopen' test to, and fix of bad close condition in Search::InvertedIndex::DB::DB_File_SplitHash module 1.02 - Major bug fix to locking system. Performance tweeks (roughly 3x improvement in speed) To install: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Type 'perldoc Search::InvertedIndex' after installation for the documentation or go to Copyright 1999, Benjamin Franz () and FreeRun Technologies, Inc. (). All Rights Reserved. This software may be copied or redistributed under the same terms as Perl itelf.