# NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::SessionCompress - Session serialization and compression plugin for Mojolicious # SYNOPSIS # Default settings plugin 'SessionCompress'; # Custom settings use Compress::Zlib qw(memGzip memGunzip); use Data::Dumper 'Dumper'; $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; plugin session_compress => { compress => sub { goto &memGzip }, decompress => sub { my $string = shift; return $out if ($out = memGunzip($string)); return $string; }, serialize => sub { goto &Dumper }, deserialize => sub { my $string = shift; return eval $string; }, min_size => 75 }; # DESCRIPTION Mojolicious::Plugin::SessionCompress allows compression of and custom serialization for Mojolicious::Session sessions. # CONFIGURATION Though it works "out of the box" you can change how de/compression and de/serialzation is handled. You can also change the minimum size required for compression with min_size. de/compression and de/serialzation subs need to be paired respectively. ## `compress` # This and the following are the defaults used internally compress => sub { my $string = shift; my $d = Compress::Zlib::deflateInit(-Level => 1, -memLevel => 5, -WindowBits => -15); return $d->deflate($string) . $d->flush; } ## `decompress` decompress => sub { my $string = $_[0]; my $d = Compress::Zlib::inflateInit(-WindowBits => -15); my ($inflated, $status) = $d->inflate($string); return $_[0] if $status != Compress::Zlib::Z_STREAM_END; # Check to see if it's actually compressed return $inflated; } ## `serialize` serialize => \&Mojo::JSON::encode_json ## `deserialze` deserialize > \&Mojo::JSON::j ## `min_size` min_size minimum size that's allowed to be compressed min_size => 250 # CAVEATS Mojolicious::Plugin::SessionCompress relies on Mojo::Util::monkey_patch to override j and encode_json within Mojolicious::Sessions. This may seem hack-y to some. Always test your app after installing a new version of Mojolicious. # SEE ALSO [Mojolicious](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Mojolicious), [Compress::Zlib](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Compress::Zlib) LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2014 Sean Ohashi This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at: http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0