WWW::Yahoo::Groups WWW::Yahoo::Groups retrieves messages from the archive of Yahoo Groups. It provides a simple OO interface to logging in and retrieving said messages which you may then do with as you will. For installation details, see INSTALL. For usage, see the doco. Either use perldoc or view it on the web at: Changes for 1.7.7 (14 Oct 2002) - This file mentions the lines at which CPAN/BACKPAN are drawn. - Aligned items in Build.PL =) - Added Module::Signature test, for those with said module. - Made it so Test::Prereq would not barf that Module::Signature is not actually required. We just require a particular version of Module::Signature if it is actually installed. - I18N and L10N! - Thus lots of new files and Build.PL extended massively. - Remove Test::Prereq since it was having major problems. - Added Test::Signature - Skip YAML tests if YAML is not installed. For a complete list of changes, see the Changes file. by Iain Truskett.