HTML::DOM, version 0.009 HTML::DOM is a Perl implementation of the HTML Document Object Model This is an alpha release. So far, most of the level-1 DOM interfaces are implemented, and some of the level-2 event interfaces. CHANGES IN THIS RELEASE You can do something with errors produced by event handlers by pass- ing a coderef to the new event_handler method. That coderef will be called for each error. (Before, such errors were ignored.) HTML::DOM::Interface has been modified, such that 'Document' is no longer a separate interface -- since there is no corresponding HTML::DOM module--, but all its members are now under HTMLDocument, which inherits directly from Node. Likewise, 'Element' has been merged into HTMLElement. HTML::DOM::Element::Select now has 'add' and 'remove' methods. 'Select' elements can now be used as array refs, so you can write $select->[0] instead of $select->options->[0]. You can now assign undef to such an array element to delete it, so '$select->[0] = undef' does the same thing as 'shift @$select'. 'delete $select->[0]' also works. And a few bug fixes. See the Changes file. TO DO - Add support to HTML::DOM::Interface for UTF-16 methods. - Finish Level 1 HTML support - Weaken upward references - Add Level 2 Core support - Add Level 2 HTML support - Finish Level 2 Events support - Add Level 2 CSS support - etc. - Write more complete documentation - Write more tests INSTALLATION The easiest way to install this module is to use the CPAN module or the cpan script: [sudo] perl -MCPAN -e "install HTML::DOM" [sudo] cpan HTML::DOM Or you can use the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test [sudo] make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires perl 5.8.3 or later (only tested with 5.8.7 and 5.8.8) and the following Perl modules: - HTML::TreeBuilder and HTML::Element (both part of the HTML::Tree distribution) (tested with 3.23) - URI (tested with 1.35) - HTTP::Headers::Util is required for writing cookies. - HTML::Form 1.054 is required if any of the methods provided for WWW::Mechanize compatibility are to be used. Later it will require other modules (including some CSS modules). DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc HTML::DOM Or try using man (it's faster, in my experience): man HTML::DOM COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2007 Father Chrysostomos This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl.