NAME Maypole::Plugin::I18N - Internationalization for Maypole SYNOPSIS Simple example: package MyApp; use Maypole::Application qw(I18N); MyApp->config->lexicon('/path/to/po/files'); MyApp->config->lang('de'); MyApp->setup( 'dbi:Pg:dbname=myapp', 'myuser', 'mypass'); MyApp->lang('no'); print $r->maketext('Hello Maypole'); [% request.maketext('Hello Maypole') %] Use a macro if you're lazy: [% MACRO l(text, args) BLOCK; request.maketext(text, args); END; %] [% l('Hello Maypole') %] [% l('Hello [_1]', 'Maypole') %] [% l('lalala[_1]lalala[_2]', ['test', 'foo']) %] DESCRIPTION Supports po/mo files (directory must be specified in $r->config->lexicon) # de.po msgid "Hello Maypole" msgstr "Hallo Maibaum" and Maketext classes under the ::I18N:: namespace of your application. package MyApp::I18N::de; use base 'MyApp::I18N'; %Lexicon = ( 'Hello Maypole' => 'Hallo Maibaum' ); 1; $r->config->lang is used when $r->lang is not set. Note that you need Maypole 2.0 or newer to use this module! AUTHOR Sebastian Riedel, "" LICENSE This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.