NAME Maypole::Plugin::Untaint - Simple Untaint for Maypole SYNOPSIS Simple example: package MyApp; use Maypole::Application qw(Untaint); MyApp->config->untaint_columns( table1 => { html => [qw(name email)] }, table2 => { printable => [qw(lalala)] } ); MyApp->setup( 'dbi:Pg:dbname=myapp', 'myuser', 'mypass' ); With Maypole::Plugin::Config::YAML: package MyApp; use Maypole::Application qw(Config::YAML Untaint -Setup); __DATA__ --- #YAML:1.0 application_name: MyApp dsn: dbi:Pg:dbname=myapp user: postgres pass: 0 opts: AutoCommit: 1 template_root: '/home/sri/MyApp/templates' uri_base: http://localhost/myapp untaint_columns: table1: html: - name - email table2: printable: - lalala DESCRIPTION Useful in combination with Maypole::Config::YAML. Note that you need Maypole 2.0 or newer to use this module! AUTHOR Sebastian Riedel, C LICENSE This library is free software . You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.