# Minion [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/kraih/minion.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/kraih/minion) A job queue for the [Mojolicious](http://mojolicio.us) real-time web framework with support for multiple backends, such as [DBM::Deep](https://metacpan.org/release/DBM-Deep) and [PostgreSQL](http://www.postgresql.org). ```perl use Mojolicious::Lite; use 5.20.0; use experimental 'signatures'; plugin Minion => {File => '/Users/sri/minion.db'}; # Slow task app->minion->add_task(slow_log => sub ($job, $msg) { sleep 5; $job->app->log->debug(qq{Received message "$msg"}); }); # Perform job in a background worker process get '/log' => sub ($c) { $c->minion->enqueue(slow_log => [$c->param('msg') // 'no message']); $c->render(text => 'Your message will be logged soon.'); }; app->start; ``` Just start one or more background worker processes in addition to your web server. $ ./myapp.pl minion worker ## Installation All you need is a oneliner, it takes less than a minute. $ curl -L https://cpanmin.us | perl - -M https://cpan.metacpan.org -n Minion We recommend the use of a [Perlbrew](http://perlbrew.pl) environment.