========================================= Package "Config::Manager" Version 1.0 ========================================= Copyright (c) 2003 by Steffen Beyer & Gerhard Albers. All rights reserved. Prerequisites: -------------- Perl version 5.000 or higher. Installation: ------------- Please see the file "INSTALL.txt" in this distribution for instructions on how to install this package. Changes over previous versions: ------------------------------- Please refer to the file "CHANGES.txt" in this distribution for a detailed version history. Documentation: -------------- The documentation of this package is included in POD format (= "Plain Old Documentation") in the various "*.pm" files in this distribution, the human- readable markup-language standard for Perl documentation. By building this package, this documentation will automatically be converted into a man page, which will automatically be installed in your Perl tree for further reference in this process, where it can be accessed via the command (e.g.) "man Config::Manager" (UNIX) or "perldoc Config::Manager" (UNIX and Win32). If Perl is not currently available on your system, you can also read this documentation directly. What does it do: ---------------- (To be filled in yet)